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  • Three games for public battles

    03. 05. 2011 17:03

Ship on ship deathmatches all the time are getting a little boring, and the alternative
of doing missions give awful rewards.
Could games that are more complicated have better rewards?

Game type 1: Supply Escort
A fleet of merchant supply ships need to make it from point A to point B
Your objective is to defend yours, and sink those of the enemy.

Game type 2: Shore Assault
Each side has their own 'base' This is a military installation that needs to be
Your objective is to bombard the enemy base with ships or planes.

Game type 3: King of the Hill
In the center of the map is an island with a lighthouse on it, whichever team has the
highest tonnage of ships within the boundary claims the island.
Time occupied is cumulative. Your victory timer counts down for as long as you
possess the island, and pauses if the enemy reclaims it.
Each team would have their own victory timer, the one that counts down to 0 first
will win.

Games may have an option between allowing players to respawn or allowing only
one chance.

  • Re : Three games for public battles

    03. 07. 2011 13:29

I like this idea. Your're onto something good here. recc

  • Re : Three games for public battles

    03. 06. 2011 12:45

I very much would want to see something objective based (or rather an objective
other than just sink the enemy fleet/flagship).

Being an destroyer user I would very much like an "battle of the atlantic" style
mission that pitted submarines against an merchant convoy and its escorts, and I
reckon your 1st mission suggestion sounds like it could provide that.

I seriously doubt that a free-for-all deathmatch gametype would be very good, this
would need to be restricted to certain ships types. I mean you cannot have a
deathmatch with players in destroyers fighting battleships and such. It works in FPS
as everyone is more or less equal except thier loadouts (but each are better at
others in certain situations) but in NavyField the various types are not equal, a
battleship going against a destroyer or light cruiser will more or less always win.

Also as devildog says unfortunatley most people in the games attitudes are very
much based upon just getting experience and climbing up the ladder in shiptypes.
So these wont become successful unless the experience is worth it.

  • Re : Three games for public battles

    03. 06. 2011 06:04

why not a random deathmatch system like fps games. just everyone against everyone, just
one map, you just spawn somewhere and start killing, once you die/sink, you spawn again.
doesnt have to be organised, just 20 minutes of pure shooting. you will die quite quickly
most of the time, but that is in any multiplayer deathmatch. you just rack up attack then

  • Re : Three games for public battles

    03. 06. 2011 03:55

Well, I was hoping they would boost the exp and credit to other game types to
encourage people to try something new.

Right now, every time I try something different, I end up regretting it because I get like
200 credits and 700 exp for a mission that went on for 20 minutes...

  • Re : Three games for public battles

    03. 05. 2011 19:19

depends on the rewards given, if it dosent match the current rate GB2 have I doubt
anyone will play them long, this has become a exp dependant game since shared
exp was introduced

  • Re : Three games for public battles

    03. 05. 2011 18:10

I like it, would break the endless GB2 BB fighting. Also please explain Game # 4 better (and it
should be Game # 3).
