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  • China 1st cv?

    03. 06. 2011 13:13

Listen to background song.................................wtX....

  • Re : China 1st cv?

    03. 07. 2011 19:53

Well, originally it was bought to be turned into a casino/hotel. The refurbishing of
the Varyag into a fully functioning CV might be the real cover up. Communist Party
bigwigs want to be able to gamble and party with some privacy after all.


  • Re : China 1st cv?

    03. 06. 2011 21:11

Begining of video is the old Soviet CV Varyag which the Chinese are working on it to
get ready for duty.

Its not been to sea yet.

The end of the video is old footage from Soviet Naval operations. That is not the
Chinese version yet

  • Re : China 1st cv?

    03. 06. 2011 19:58

I sense unsafe levels of lead! ;D

  • Re : China 1st cv?

    03. 06. 2011 19:15

I don't know what type of carrier they'll build. One thing that I noticed about the
Chinese military is that they are very methodical and prefer proven techniques and
technology. Id say that if they carrier that we see put in service has a jump ramp, the
first one they build will have a jump ramp as well.

Really, the thought of the Chinese CV is worrisome to me. Right now, China is strong but
they are still a regional power. They have a potent army and air force, but no way to
project power over large distances they way we do. China, as it is, has no need for a CV.
Their Air Force is quite capable of using ground bases anywhere they currently have issue.
The only reason that CVs exist today is to project air power far from home. Makes you
wonder what they are thinking.

  • Re : China 1st cv?

    03. 06. 2011 18:14

Most of China's and North Korea navy is bought from Russia.

  • Re : China 1st cv?

    03. 06. 2011 17:37

I agree that its probably used as a test bed, the Chinese have been training on land for
awhile or rather thats what I've read elsewhere. Now with the CV they can do actual
landings on the sea and further train pilots.

I do wonder if they will continue to use the angled ramp or if they do decide to make
their own CV if it will be a bigger flat top.

  • Re : China 1st cv?

    03. 06. 2011 17:11

Its junk. But the big thing for the Chinese is that they are starting from nothing. They
are going to be using it as a test bed for all kinds of technology and for doctrine.

As an aside, here's a link for Star Blazers. Talk about cartoons the way they were
supposed to be! (for some reason, it skips to episode 1 part 3 so you may have to watch
the order)

  • Re : China 1st cv?

    03. 06. 2011 16:58

Yeah its a Admiral Kuznetsov class aircraft carrier
( and it was
auctioned off for $20 mil to china. From what I read its crappy compaired to the US

  • Re : China 1st cv?

    03. 06. 2011 16:57

The backgound? LOL, thats the music from "Star Blazers" and "Space Battleship Yamato" an
anime series in the early 80s. I remember being a kid an running home to watch it from
school every day.

In retrospect, it wasn't a cartoon about outer space, in reality, it was written about
naval combat in WWII (from a Japanese perspective). Many of the people behaved like WWII
japanese navy and the ships and combat were all pretty much the same (carriers, space
subs, marines, torpedo bombers) Some of the scenes were even borrowed from WWII movies.

Anyway, the music in the background of this clip is the music used for the "theme" of when
the good guys ship was usually coming out of repair and heading into battle. Over there,
"Space Battleship Yamato" is a big deal. They even had a movie release in December that
was the event of the year....

  • Re : China 1st cv?

    03. 06. 2011 16:21

u guys may wanna watch this
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