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  • How much of a difference...

    03. 06. 2011 23:04

Is there between a +11 fighter base and a +12 fighter base for fighters? Of equal level,
would the +12 fighters completely chew up the +11 fighters and leave without a scratch?
One of my fleetmates expressed extreme distaste for +11 fighters which led me to pose this

  • Re : How much of a difference...

    03. 07. 2011 14:23

Okay thanks, I was kind of worried about my +11's.

  • Re : How much of a difference...

    03. 07. 2011 08:05

I have a group of elites and two +12 fighters. They were all classed the same way and all
have the same number of vets (+/- 3) and are all the same level.

I haven't noticed a difference since the mid 80s...

  • Re : How much of a difference...

    03. 07. 2011 07:50

"Is there between a +11 fighter base and a +12 fighter base for fighters? Of equal level,
would the +12 fighters completely chew up the +11 fighters and leave without a scratch?
One of my fleetmates expressed extreme distaste for +11 fighters which led me to pose this

Its really not noticeable. At high levels the difference between Elites and 11s is not
even really noticeable.

  • Re : How much of a difference...

    03. 07. 2011 01:36

correct classing
This phrase is very ambiguous and in some cases and in some cases ironic... depending
on how many vets you are going to put on your fighters...

at least I think that is how it works...

  • Re : How much of a difference...

    03. 06. 2011 23:12

There is a difference in performance, yes.

But in a micro vs. micro fight it is not very important at high lvls, because both FPs
will most likely be able to oneshot each other. Micro is more important - at high lvls
a fighter engagement is most often decided by one single wrong click.

And vets play an important role as well, as does correct classing.