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Soviet Navy


  • what Elite Gunners for Soviets?

    03. 07. 2011 10:29

Just wondering i was planning to buy the 13/11 gunners off the store do you guys think
it is a good plan to stick with the 13/11 or get the 11/13 gunners for the soviets? and i
rolled +12s on my Repairs and Engies so i dont need to buy them =D

  • Re : what Elite Gunners for Soviets?

    03. 07. 2011 12:22

I'd get extra expert/vet packs for the money, as accuracy and reload both have caps, and are
among the easiest of the caps to reach ability wise.

  • Re : what Elite Gunners for Soviets?

    03. 07. 2011 10:56

If you are planning on running AA I would recommend Reload with a Good Reload base
(I will be using Elite Reload). In addition for Main Gunners use a Good Accuracy base (I
will be using Elite Accuracy). In this case since AA uses Chief Gunners in similar fashion
as MN this means that if you are running AA you can swap gunners and see which one
works best for you.

  • Re : what Elite Gunners for Soviets?

    03. 07. 2011 10:52

I would reccomend 13/11 as most of the Soviet BB guns have above average reload, so
elite reload is really needed, but one thing you need is Accuracy, the SN has the most
range in the game at the moment, so a shotgun spread isnt something you want.

Hope this helps.