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Soviet Navy


  • what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 08. 2011 01:20

Any idea?

*Moved to SN Forums by Bloodsky*

  • Re : what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 11. 2011 17:23

If all else fails stick with the standard belief of 4engines/4reps and mix to how you
like it.

  • Re : what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 11. 2011 15:45

i got 3 reps and 4 engys just like my us bb

  • Re : what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 10. 2011 03:19

The guy up on me is emo.

  • Re : what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 10. 2011 02:09

whats setup

  • Re : what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 10. 2011 00:45

2 Scouts is win...

  • Re : what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 09. 2011 20:31

I would go for a

(4)10/10/12 gunner
(5)11/12 or 12/11 engie
(3) 12 repair
(1) 12/12 soft scout lvl for the repair stat.

  • Re : what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 09. 2011 19:42

Why not AA???

  • Re : what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 09. 2011 19:11

I'm going 5 Engy, 4 rep, 1 Seaman. May switch to 6/3/1 depending on what I roll.

  • Re : what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 08. 2011 14:54

The AA is a mix between all the nations.

It is not the fastest firing or the longest but it is by no means slow as UK and as short
ranged as UK is with it reload. It also hits like a truck.

If your good with AA I wouldn't shy away from a 4 gunners (as they use normal gunners like
MN For aa)

  • Re : what is the best sailor setup on SN bbs?

    03. 08. 2011 11:47

Engineers are good, but the engines are slow, just like KM.

Im going with 6 engy 4 rep gunners and scout
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