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  • Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 09. 2011 06:28

Well I want to suggest to forbid bomber only CVs.

Ships doing that, especially high level CVs, lead to an imbalance of the game, that cannot
be made up by any other ships. Even if you have the best AA possible, you will have no
chance for vision of your BBs. I am not saying it is a CVs job to scout, but if your CVs
don't at least give the enemy fighters a hard time, your team is lost for sure.
I wasn't too disappointed when I saw only one or two Bomber only CVs in a room from time
to time, but if your team consists of 3 Bomber only CVs and you lose the game because of
these egoist guys it really, really, really disappoints you. CV-Players have to realize
they are team-players, and that it is their job to kill enemy fighters and bombers with
their CVs as well as Dive or Torp Bomb enemy ships and not solemnly bombing.
It is not allowed to drive a BB without guns either, so why should it be allowed to be a
Bomber only CV?

This is not intended to be a flame war against the CV-Drivers, a lot of them are playing
very well, but these lvl 100+ Bomber only CVs are ruining the GB2s...

Hope you understand that and agree.

  • Re : Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 12. 2011 10:36

Recommended because it will make us spend $100+ of money on making our fighters the best possible. Then we join
a gb2, find a USN PCV with t4 fighters. Rageface.jpg immediately. Moar BBs cry because not only can the cvs not
bomb but also can't do anything given the lower tier fighters. Need I say also that there will probably be less MN,
SN, UK and IJN cvs.


  • Re : Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 12. 2011 01:54

No. Do not if you want to preserve the leveling of lower players. Its the only way.
Not Rec'd because it's dumb as it limits options and freedoms. Use scouts urself and be
more pro.


  • Re : Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 11. 2011 18:32

blazer i love you. would love to recommend your post.
Learn to scout yourself, learn to use AA (BEFORE THE ENEMY FIGHTERS GET TO YOU!)

A friend of mine has a lvl 120 CV with 5 fighters, 2 DBs and 1 TB. I watched him play a
game at his house one day and my god he was flying his fighters all over the place....
shooting down scouts... dragging enemy fighters away from the front lines and then turning
his planes back onto them... all the while managing his flights of bombers... and ppl were
still screaming at him.

BBs and CVs both need to realise they are both vital to the teams success and protect each
other. in most games ive been in it seems CVs are doing all the protecting.... just not
being protected.

  • Re : Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 11. 2011 11:12

Heres how I look at all these arguments.

When I play golf I have several clubs in my bag. The right thing to do on a par 5 with a
decent size fairway and no hard doglegs, I want to get the best distance hitting straight
on the fairway to setup my next shot. Logic and "cookie cutter" logic states use a wood.
I could use a putter, LW, PW etc but I want to do well so I use the "right" club.

In NF I could run a BB without a scout, wrong guns, AW an IJN ship, etc. I'd rather have
a good "right" setup. I like to win, and I like to do well.

The second way I look at it is, BBs want CVs to help them, and in the dormant parts of
their minds CVs want BBs to help them. I have seen a handful of CVs begging the BBs to
scout for them. Now what would happen if BBs decided to just setup their lines and fight
from behind the CVs (BB drivers don't want this, but if the game truely turned to a point
where CVs were in no way helping the BBs then it could happen). BBs should generally
protect CVs and CVs should generally help the BBs. When done right leads to wins a lot
more than losses.

  • Re : Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 11. 2011 05:33

You should not be allowed to force someone to use a certian setup, The whole point of
having so much stuff to put on your ship is to make it how you want it and how you want to
play, Not everyone has to follow the cookie cutter mold of you need this and you need
that, if you dont your a noob....I presonally think that that is BS

  • Re : Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 11. 2011 04:42

The exploitableness of it hits home when you realise they don't even need to have the
fighter pilot on the ship itself, they just need to have one in HQ.

Deal with it. I don't play NF to massage your XP gain, I play it for fun. I do what I can
with my fighters because its reasonably obvious that scouting = winning, despite
having the worst planes and pilots out of all the countries and despite them being
murdered by massive walls of AA, but certainly I am not going to agree that this game's
balance should focus on the petty tantrums of BB drivers.

  • Re : Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 11. 2011 04:00

guys, the problem is not that CVs scout or don't scout. I have a CV crew myself and I know
exactly well it is not their job. I'm simply saying everyone knows how a battle ends when
there is one lvl 100+ ft only CV in one team and one lvl 100+ Bomber only CV in the other.

And about one fighter and then abuse would be possible...what about being forced to have
more ft then Bombers on a CV?

Several possibilities to change something. I didn't put anything too accurate in here.

Besides, I have 110+ AA gunners and I get nearly dive bombed. I even don't mind if i get
bombed, thats totally okay, it's just simply a B or A only CV gets useless if the enemy
team has an equivalent F only CV.

  • Re : Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 10. 2011 07:16

@TS, learn AA. i sense too much bitterness exuding from you.

and oh, by banning bomber-only CVs, that does not only ban noob DBW/TBWers, but that would
also ban really good DBW/TBWers too. maybe you just had bad luck on that match. :p

  • Re : Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 10. 2011 06:24

As many others I am also both BB and CV player and thus can understand both sides. Seeing
BBs not even having scouts on their decks really pisses me off. Fighters and Bombers are
not made for scouting - therefore they have scouts which can do this job even better. And,
if possible the BBs should use their AA to protect themselves.

BUT there are situations in which help from cvs is essential: BBs simply cannot scout if
there are hundreds of enemy-fighters patrolling above the enemy-BBs. In this case also the
BB's AA is useless owing to the AA-gun-range just not beeing that far. And this is the
moment for the CV-players to proof their capacity for teamwork. They have to send fighters
to achieve either air supremacy or at least a balance of power in this area. Therewith the
CVs enable the BBs to send scouts without losing their scouts just on their arrival at the
opponents. Both BBs and CVs profit from that way of warfare: The BBs are able to see the
enemies (huge advantage, believe me...) and the CVs gather credits and of course, also
experience by shooting the enemy-planes.

Certainly, this requires the CVs to (mainly) focus on using fighters. I do NOT say that
they should use fighters only! Dive-/torpedo-bombers can also play an decisive role. But
bombing should be regarded as a secondary task. Probably it's wrong to frobid
bomber-only-CVs because I also think that they just would enter battlerooms with one
single fighter on their carriers. But maybe TNF can make using fighters more
attractive...? Perhaps by increasing the exp-gain-rate for fighter-focused playing...?

  • Re : Forbid Bomber only CV

    03. 09. 2011 14:36

Yeah, and while we're at it, how bout we force BBs(who are not IJN) to use AA and scouts? I'll
recommend this when I see that.
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