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  • Solving the HS issue.

    03. 09. 2011 15:00

Hello dear fans of NavyFIELD,

I guess this topic is going to last around the same amount of time as a minute on the
clock, but I love this game to bits and I can't stand sitting on my arse watching a piss
poor entity raze it to dust.

The only proper way to solve the hackshield issue is to completely boycott the NF Store.

As long as we keep shoveling money into SDE's greedy hands, they will not even consider
turning their attention to what their customers really want. They have shown us that they
are a money-sucking corporation and that there is no compromising with them on civilised
terms. So in simpler terms:

If we just sit around and do nothing other than whine, nothing is going to happen. Simple
as that.

Regards everyone,


  • Re : Solving the HS issue.

    03. 09. 2011 15:42

Most of the general HS issues have been solved for most people. However, there are
still people who have trouble.

In the Technical Support section there are threads with solutions to the general
problems people have encountered, some links have been provided in this thread too.

If you have tried those solutions with no success, the best way to solve it is to send a
support ticket so that GMs can identify your specific problem and look for a solution.

Please use the support ticket system available so a solution can be found for your

- Locked.

  • Re : Solving the HS issue.

    03. 09. 2011 15:39

I have indeed seen this thread, studied it and found only one problem which matched the
issues I am addressing and that is of course the lag. I have added the mentioned
applications/files/howeveryoufeellikeaddressingthem and achieved no positive result.

I have read a post, on this forum, that expressed the desire to simply play the game,
enjoy it without having to do masses of operations just to get it going. A lot of players
may not be IT guru's and therefore may find it unconfortable to be messing with their PC's
settings and what not. This game is supposed to bring fun to the players and profits to
the company, but the lack of any compromise on SDE's part is simply ruining it for the
majority of the community.

I wish I was just a raving lunatic, never satisfied, always whining, looking for a row,
but the fact of the matter is I'm just fed up of sitting on my arse doing **** all, being
expected to accept SDE's every decision without question and if I was the only one, then I
would probably phone a psychiatrist in the morning myself.

Just look at the main hackshield threads. Everyone is just getting SDE's warm piss
dripping down on them.

@Dreadnoughtw: I have switched off every possible program, along with the anti-virus
system, did everything to increase the performance of the PC without having to actually
pay for it with no effect whatsoever. I decreased and switched of visual and sound effect
in NF itself, did everything TNF suggested in their tickets with no effect what-so-ever.

Besides the fact of the matter is, NF has been around for what is in a few years going to
become a decade and is a 2D game. Now are you seriously telling me that modern machines
should be having such difficulties in running a program such as this?

PS. 45 minutes is not bad going in the current HS related climate.

  • Re : Solving the HS issue.

    03. 09. 2011 15:34

@ "What HS issue? "
answer : HS

  • Re : Solving the HS issue.

    03. 09. 2011 15:32

fast fix for HS

run NF launcher in admin mode, disable desktop composition, disable visual themes

run the game shortcut same way NF launcher

run HS in admin mode

no lag, no crashes no whining

enjoy the rest of the day

  • Re : Solving the HS issue.

    03. 09. 2011 15:23

Have you tried any of the solutions in this thread?

  • Re : Solving the HS issue.

    03. 09. 2011 15:21

Let me think...uh...oh...well;

1. Crashes
2. Login-failures
3. Lag
4. Low FPS

The above are not generally considered, in search for a better term, "to be working
correctly" when you attempt to play an online game.

In a few minutes I'll get some marshmallows and other treats, because it seems big flaming
is about to ignite upon me, however I would like to point out that before hackshield only
two of the above occurences (crashes & lag) took place and with a frequency of 3-4 times a
week. Since the
mentioned Hackshield patch however, there is hardly a time when they do not occur - 1 game
in around 20 and that isn't even for it's full duration.

  • Re : Solving the HS issue.

    03. 09. 2011 15:11

What HS issue?