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  • How can you test something for months and Images be screwed up?????

    03. 10. 2011 13:26

You have me load crap and being the fool I am I trusted you in the USSR fleet and now I have
downloaded. more and then you say to put the file some where. I can't understand how you
can screw up everything you add on. I'm not a PC savy kid. Fix my emages with a auto fix not
have ne doing stuff. You talk over peoples heads when you do this crap. I'm so feed up with
this. Get a auto fix so I can play my $ 40.00 worth of stuff.


*Locked by Bloodsky*

  • Re : How can you test something for months and Images be screwed up?????

    03. 10. 2011 15:18

Locked, please refrain from ranting and express your views in one of the other twenty threads.

  • Re : How can you test something for months and Images be screwed up?????

    03. 10. 2011 14:03

the point is though we shouldnt have to fix their work for them.

  • Re : How can you test something for months and Images be screwed up?????

    03. 10. 2011 13:57

I recall video games not requiring work to play. Was a bit of a boon in my eyes. Far as pc
games go I have very few I would put money on that if I don't touch it for a few weeks
it'll work when I fire it up.

That being said, it IS easy to fix, and anyone who has been around more than a couple
patches knows the process. Take out all reasons and toss them aside, it WILL happen and
will continue to happen. Live with it or make yourself miserable.

Should it happen? No, not really. But it will, and whining over should be's will keep you
a very busy man who accomplishes nothing.

  • Re : How can you test something for months and Images be screwed up?????

    03. 10. 2011 13:53

Doesn't SD guys test their updates/patch first before going live? These problems
could have been avoided if:

1. Proper tests were done before patch/update were released.
2. Have it tested by someone outside of SD first (like give it to a trusted member for
testing if it will work properly)
3. Have a fallback or rollback patch incase problems arise due to update/patch.

Just my 2 cents on this as this is becoming a common problem whenever a patch is

  • Re : How can you test something for months and Images be screwed up?????

    03. 10. 2011 13:51


i left a few months ago (there was an event and a big patch), as you might have guessed I
receive the dreaded Data file corrupted message. Not feeling like dling the whole game
again I just uninstalled.

came back a couple days ago. first patch since my return... and I now get that same message.

not a good look is it $DE?

  • Re : How can you test something for months and Images be screwed up?????

    03. 10. 2011 13:37

Some problems occur between testing and the transfer to the server.

For example, with MN, there was no graphic for the MN CV6 on the BO Tree which was
reported. When it came to the transfer, this magically turned into a BB6 picture...

That said, SDE does everything far too quickly without looking at the consequences so what
do you expect...