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  • KM speed advantage

    03. 14. 2011 00:35

Ever since i start playing NF till now, both KM and IJN have speed advantage over
other nation of the same ship class. This was achive by players removing their
useless armor and focus on evasive manueveur. After all, KM ships have fast reload
guns with longer range than any other nation.

The problem start with the rise of MN which almost (ALMOST!) have equal gun range
with KMs but with higher damage. I can say this when i trade fire with Magador in
Z99, note that my Z99 carrier 5.9 twin (the turret with boats) and the Mogador
probably use 5.46 twin (I use it on my Magador) and what do you know, we open
fire at the range. This was fix I think since no Magador ever trade fire at the same
range again.

The problem that buried KM now emerge in the STALIN NAVY. They are insanely
overpower and overwhelme KM. I use Hipper now and I feel like Im using Oyodo
against small ships. They are more manueverable, faster and better range. A swarm
of their DD is enough to kill a Hipper, let alone the M pro and Konig.

So i here have some option in mind for SD.

1.) KM damage is increase.
2.) KM range is increase (like really, increase).
3.) Historically STALIN NAVY guns are patenned for RN guns with some KM guns, so
make em chooce between firepower or range.
4.) Have KM ships to get better engineneer like, second, first, chief and Master

  • Re : KM speed advantage

    04. 01. 2011 10:23

i would like to say something about this...

when i was useing my BB 1 and 2 for the UK i git destroyed badly and the bismarck
is a amazing BB3

KM owns (i know of) the UK from like the Z 99 some CLs and almost all BBs but then
when 2 of your ships arent good like H39 you start complaing!?!?!?!?! i just wouuld
like range for uk the Km got it

  • Re : KM speed advantage

    03. 24. 2011 16:27

"Thats a soviet BB4, not a french BB4.

Learn the ships before you talk nonsense."

I said "I believe it was". Learn to read posts correctly before you be rude to
someone. :)

  • Re : KM speed advantage

    03. 24. 2011 08:05

Thats a soviet BB4, not a french BB4.

Learn the ships before you talk nonsense.

  • Re : KM speed advantage

    03. 24. 2011 07:09

Your complaints have been going on for years and SDE hasnt done anything except
buff UK more and more. If you want elite, go UK. If you want a challenge from hell,
stay KM.

And about KM BB range, there is a youtube video that has a French (I believe it was)
and KM BB on test server at max range from eachother. KM fires first, hit 3 shells. MN
fires, full hit. KM fires, misses. MN fires full hit and sinks KM. This was set up with
BOTH ships being at MAX range with weapons. KM lost... and they went first. The
video goes on for 3 or 4 tries. On one of them, KM fires and misses all shots, salvo
falls short, but on the next shot, all salvos hit and crit for 20k... yea... that makes

  • Re : KM speed advantage

    03. 14. 2011 22:59

I mean H44 is one of weakest....I mean the hardest bb5 to use.
KM is just made for hardcore, is not for the wimpy and weak people.

below is all bb5, what they have and what their problem

1)USN: montana
BEST: firepower, slap-your-face firepower.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN MOST OF TIME: you see him, he see you, KABOOM! you dying/sunk.
PROBLEM:bad aa and shell hang time, speed and other are ok.
SOLUTION: patient and experience, 45 is long/strange hang time but once you get used to
it, every salvo you hit is like dropping nuke on them.
Experienced monty driver are so devastating even a good rusher think twice.
most of time, even other BB5, can be wipe out as fast as ONE full landing salvo.

2)UK:Lion 2
BEST: NO.1=size+speed+armor+2nd best firepower.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN MOST OF TIME: you see a Lion 2, and you drop gun angle.
PROBLEM: reload time, no aa, too much armor when facing AP is a problem.
SOLUTION: wait and practice zigzag, when to rush, and rushing aiming, once they drop their
gun angle on you they are in fact the food for lion.

This is best bb5 in game, good gun, block shot, range not bad+angle not bad, can be AW/SP
setup, size is tiny too, problem is if your CV support not great, don't rush.
L2 AA can be bad kama since CV will pick you up if you are burn/retreat, and losing whole
line by simply rush/fail/getting picnic by some look-for-food cv.

3)IJN: Super-Yamato
BEST: Speed, AA and balance damage/range
PROBLEM: range are bad if you rush, shell hang longest time,weakest ship body.
SOLUTION: NINJA IS THA SHT YO! use your super AA kill scout, sneaking, shoot, use your
speed to run/ shoot, as long as they can't see your, your high speed + long hang time is
hard to predicted, and your AA can knock out scout/db/tb.

one on one this is very nasty ship, but range is problematic because hang time is long.
Weakest body,even h44 is stronger than SY, means you can't take much damage.

4)KM: H44
WHAT WILL HAPPEN MOST OF TIME: BOOM full salvo, you chase, boom get hit while chasing, try
run, boom you sunk.
PROBLEM: biggest bb5, BAD damage/firepower when drop long gun angle, SLOWEST BB5.

solution: practice and became new type, see how flamingpanda handle his KM ships, he is
true what should KM player looks like when complete its training.

MN: too many shell, too smakk, and too many painful shell

  • Re : KM speed advantage

    03. 14. 2011 19:35

KM is fine as it is, or was... then there was SN.

  • Re : KM speed advantage

    03. 14. 2011 18:25

"Talk about KM when you've made it further down the line... like all the way.

Put an MN BB6 at KM BB6's max range and both fire... tell me who hits.
Put an MN BB5 at KM BB5's max range and both fire... tell me who hits.

Do i need to continue?"

Because range is everything isn't it.

"4.) Have KM ships to get better engineneer like, second, first, chief and Master

Drugs are bad mmk. "

Because the KM +2 to engineer does a lot doesn't it? If he is on drugs, what are you on?
Perhaps you can leave your stupid comments for other people.

  • Re : KM speed advantage

    03. 14. 2011 14:07

Talk about KM when you've made it further down the line... like all the way.

Put an MN BB6 at KM BB6's max range and both fire... tell me who hits.
Put an MN BB5 at KM BB5's max range and both fire... tell me who hits.

Do i need to continue?

"4.) Have KM ships to get better engineneer like, second, first, chief and Master

Drugs are bad mmk.

  • Re : KM speed advantage

    03. 14. 2011 01:48

all your issues are stated about pre bb1 stuff which doesn't really count. There are
questions of range and speed and hitting power but they really only matter at the bb1
and above level. km has the either the best or second best dd in the game, z99
(depending on your preference only other one in this ball park is the ddx).

yes the CAs are hard to use, they are supposed to be. Its designed to help u make the
transition to BBs. If you want easy mode load some belt go with 5.9 trips and trash in
blitz but if you want to learn to play the game properly put on the 8 in doubles, Quit
whining and just play.

If you are in an h44 and are complaining about range I would be far more willing to
consider your argument.