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  • ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 14. 2011 10:49

Is it possible to get a slight buff to the Alaska/Guam, or at least the Guam? A little more
range on the 12" L's? A little more durability? Or some more Speed? Something so that I
wouldn't get owned in all the time, I just can't see myself launching Scouts and doing a
piss poor AA job for 10 more levels, and don't suggest going for NM30, from what I hear
it sucks too.

  • Re : ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 15. 2011 14:59

Thank you, that was MUCH better and I think you gave 3 or 4 great tips that are going to
make his grind a little easier.

  • Re : ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 15. 2011 12:57

Very well, then my less critical comment gos as follows:

In your guam you can take off your rear gun and learn rushing angles (they will be
more dynamic as you will be rushing). Practice in test missions since your angles will
generally be a degree or 2 below average. Watch the game and learn when the
enemy is blind. You will be able to Oh around 54 and get well into range to shoot at

Now you will only be able to dent their SD but you will gain the exp from your efforts.
If you manage to find crippled ships finish them. rush in front of your BB5s since they
will help provide cover and finish off the enemies that might target you. Dont
overcompensate, retreat when they start firing back at you. A few hundred atk is
enough so dont be greedy.

Dont OH at the start of the game to get to the BB line and learn your OH limit. know
when it is time to retreat to recover OH otherwise you will slam on the brakes in the
middle of no-man's-land.

This was my grind from blitz to Colorado with no prem so i am sure you can do it too
if you try.

  • Re : ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 15. 2011 12:46

If you read his post again, I think you'll see that he stated he's been working in a
support role and doing AA. LK's guides (which you are referencing) clearly state that you
should use an Alaska as either a ninja ship or a support ship, which is exactly what he's
doing. He is playing it "correctly". The guy is just a little frustrated and venting,
thats all.

  • Re : ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 15. 2011 12:42

I just suggest you suck it up and play alaska and guam correctly in GB.

Read the BB guide in the USN section and it will show you how to compensate range
and durability in an Alaska/Guam. You are not in a line fighting ship. You have superior
AA than most BB1-3 to blind the enemy, slim profile, and a very high speedcap (alaska
speedcaps at-level). Learn to slingshot and ninja and I guarantee your survival in GB.

Everyone who took the brooklyn line had to grind in a guam, especially those of us who
dont buy prem ships so it is not impossible. And especially those who waited out for the

  • Re : ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 15. 2011 12:26

Yes, we disccused the USN's "large cruiser" concept earlier and thats the exact problem.
NF is classifying them as Battle Cruiser/ Battle Ships.

  • Re : ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 14. 2011 22:20

The reason why the Alaska has the second lowest amount of Dp is that the Alsaka class was
offically classified as cruiser-killers. They had relatively thin armour and their guns
were slightly below battleship caliber

  • Re : ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 14. 2011 18:45

Thats not going to happen any time soon. My only other thought would be to hang back, play
AA for a while, and as both sides die off and visability wears off for both side, move in.
When venturing into GB with Pensacola, I've managed to get hits on BBs in about 4 of 6
fights. The problem is, its pretty darn boring driving around waiting for two minutes of fun.

  • Re : ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 14. 2011 18:32

They won't get my money until they fix some of the major issues of the game, in all
honesty, I think the only buff the Guam needs is a buff on the 12 L's, they could
make Alaska sufferers suffer some more by giving it small gun space for only 1 bind,
and keep the Guam where it is at, or reduce the binds by a bit.

  • Re : ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 14. 2011 15:19

I feel for you. I've barely used my Alaska and I didn't bother remodeling the Guam
because I've seen its speed is even worse. Actually, launching scouts and doing AA to help
out in a GB is probably the best you could do, rather then be just another crappy BB.

I've been using my Alaska line BO only in Blitz driving a Brooklyn or Pensacola. I just
hate dealing with all the TBs and DBs attacking a crappy ship or BBs blasting you before
your in range. I've tried everything from going back to Auto and utilizing the 5"38s to
eat DDs and CLs to overloading it with armor. No matter what, the ship is just useless.
There is a reason that the USN didn't want them called battlecruisers and insisted that
they were heavy cruisers....

I almost think they are directing people over to Sevastapol as a money making idea. I hate
everything about that ship, but like Meno, I can't stand the idea of getting smacking
around in GB for 10 more levels until New Mexico. At least with Sevstapol the guns have
more range (and they are lighter) as well as lots of support slots so I can level up more

  • Re : ***SLIGHT*** Buff to the Alaska/Guam

    03. 14. 2011 14:01

Speed buff for guam... oh lord. 2 Turret, guam Speed caps somewhere in the 50s (54 or 57
iirc). Needs no more speed.

BB1 stage (particularly if at level) is difficult without bb1-3 rooms etc. Just because
BB1s are getting rick rolled in GBs does not mean they need buffs or nerfs.