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  • Rider Map

    03. 15. 2011 05:54

so i have an idea for a map, the map plays for a raider and protector, here we go.

1.) team alpha will be protector and consist of mostly slow ships.
2.) team beta will be raider and consist of mostly fast ship.
3.) the protector will protect a group of merchant ships (APA sprite) while raider will
try to sink em.
4.) protector will start beside the merchant ship while raider will start at the centre
of the map.
5.) protector are to escort the merchant while raider will hunt them down.
6.) minimum requirement is CL, max is BB, no CV, SS, DD and FF allowed.

  • Re : Rider Map

    03. 16. 2011 18:33

thanks man, i like the battle of the atlantic. But think of this, the rider need speed
more than they need armor. protector are in reverse. the APA(merchant) have the
same speed as normal APA so they are slow moving target that went from point a to
point b

  • Re : Rider Map

    03. 15. 2011 16:34

i do like the idea but the escorting ship would have to go at randon places

  • Re : Rider Map

    03. 15. 2011 13:35

Erm the idea about a escort gametype I've always thought is very appealing
although I do not like some details upon your version. Basic idea that there is a
merchant convoy heading in some random direction from some random pomt to
some other random destination with an escort group protecting them and an
attacker attempting to sink them is what I agree with. Also I reckon this with
submarines being the attacker group would create a brilliant "battle of the atlantic"
style gametype. This gametype provides dilemas such as do you split your own
group, weakening your escort, in order to provide ships to actively rather than
passively engage the attackers. Or should a merchant ship take on damage causing
its speed to drop, do you keep your force concentrated upon the convoy regarding
the damaged merchant as a lost cause or do you keep a few vessels to escort him
also, weakending your force slightly in the hope you can keep that merchant alive.

With regard to the details you provide;

I say no speed or other restriction upon the two groups as I believe the escort
group will get the harder time even without being at a disadvantage in speed.

I would make the start positions random as otherwise this would turn into just
another GB but where the flag (the merchant convoy) is an AI with its own path. Not
making the start and end positions random will mean the attackers will just speed
right to where the convoy is and the defenders will know exactly where the
attackers are coming from and will just put themselves between the two. Resulting
in just another GB but with AI controlled flagships. With randomization the attackers
will need to search to locate the convoy and hunt it, and the escorts will need to
form a proper defence covering possible directions that the enemy can approach

I think this would be better kept to heavy cruisers and below actually, although no
level limits. Because carriers on the attackers side might be able to tip the balance
towards the attackers way too easily. Range on battleships might mean that its
impossible to keep the convoy protected.