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  • Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 15. 2011 18:10

as a fact i know that yamato had extreme range and was able to shoot at around 24
miles!! so then how is it that KM Bismarck shoots farther than a yamato? this is not very
historical....Nerf some KM ships or atleast boost the guns on yamato!! i checked with a
friend and nagato has same range as a yamato!!

  • Re : Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 16. 2011 18:46

Wait guys. Hold everything. Something in this game isn't historically accurate.

I for 1 have reccomended it.

  • Re : Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 16. 2011 10:03

wow harvey seriously? the yamato doesnt need a range buff u just need the L guns
and then the spread can keep up with km h39 range advantage kk?

  • Re : Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 16. 2011 08:50

Could not remember if it started at BB4 or BB5, been a month or so since I've played NF,
and probably 4-5 since I seriously played BB4.

  • Re : Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 16. 2011 08:33


Only PBB, EBB, BB5 and BB6 have no option for N/L/H shells.

Developer Laziness. I'd like to try a H44 with NHE just to see how it performs.

  • Re : Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 16. 2011 08:05

"well uhmmm nf =/= rl, and
check your ship settings, guns = lvl 91, the L ones,
shells = slot a (LHE) and slot b( ap shells)"

Now its been a while since I've played, so correct me if I am wrong but at BB4 stage there
is no longer LHE and HHE. You have HE and AP.

If your range is the same as the nagato, your still using the nagato guns, or an N variant.

  • Re : Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 16. 2011 00:24

from what you said in the last sentence, you really have to change your guns and ammo,
nagato can't have the same range with yamato

  • Re : Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 15. 2011 20:31

Sorry, but I actually laughed out loud at "I checked with a friend and Nagato has the same
range as Yamato."

  • Re : Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 15. 2011 20:08

well uhmmm nf =/= rl, and
check your ship settings, guns = lvl 91, the L ones,
shells = slot a (LHE) and slot b( ap shells)

no bb3 can outrange a bb4

its not the rechielue in mn that complain, its half of the mn players complain that mn
need to be buff now :D (im one of it)

  • Re : Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 15. 2011 19:42

It is an illusion and easily mistaken. Here's a scenario.

Yamato rushes Bismarck in a high degree.
Bismarck fires and retreats quickly in one smooth action.
Yamato's shells fall short and is struck by the Bismarck.

It's all about travel time. Bismarck, like other KM ships have low angle, high velocity
rounds. Therefore less planning involved. Though KM ships may not seem aggressive
due to their "paper ship" nature but they can initiate attacks far more often than
ships with 45 degree guns.

Next scenario.

Player of Yamato has reason to believe that a enemy H39 is going to rush.
Yamato fires and retreats.
H39 fires and barely hits the Yamato.
Yamato strikes the H39 with an angle set to 40.

I personally love the Yamato. It's only weaknesses are long shell hang time, and
nearly useless armor. To follow it up it has:
-Competitive speed.
-The ability to 1 shot a BB5 (it's happened to me before and performed it before)
-Superior AA
-Massive scout space
-The best anti-torpedo bulge of any nation
-Great armor piercing ability

An Iowa player will often complain that the ship is great but quite boring. A H39
player complains of no "stopping power" and lack of armor piercing. A lion player has
no complaints normally (though I found her to be boring myself). A richileau player
complains all day. :D

  • Re : Buff Yamato Guns range

    03. 15. 2011 19:12

Someones not using the lvl 91 guns.
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