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Soviet Navy


  • questions on USSR?

    03. 16. 2011 17:41

- one how good are there fighters?
- two what are the pros and cons on the USSR subs?
- three which one has better armor IJN or USSR?
- four is it true that 12" USSR guns can destroy QV armor with 1 shot or 2?

please answer thank you

  • Re : questions on USSR?

    03. 16. 2011 18:42

1. Averange . good firepower , but low speed .
2. Pro : Best speed , long air time . Con : Low damege (weak torp + less tube)
3. USSR (beside bulge)
4. If you shoot at 45 degree , It's posible .

  • Re : questions on USSR?

    03. 16. 2011 18:01

Moved to Soviet Forum

Most of the questions you can answer by reading the threads in this section so please
take some time to do so and then ask what you can't answer by reading. People would
be glad to answer when its something they have not answered a few times before.

  • Re : questions on USSR?

    03. 16. 2011 17:42

There is a USSR subforum now...