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  • And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 16. 2011 19:51


That is seriously rediculous... money... wasted.

  • Re : And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 19. 2011 15:15

first off, that just plain sucks. While I've ever only lost officers once ( got hit in my
Ryujo for 10k damage and lost 2 officers/2 skilled/6 rookies) I feel your pain.

However, I think what needs to happen here is to put in a limit on how many sailors you
can lose from one hit, not an arguement about weather or not its ok to d/c to save the
crazy amount of lost sailors.

  • Re : And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 18. 2011 14:38

"It's one of those rules that is really only cared about in HA and other competitive play,
as disconnects can be used to gain an advantage there. And unlike border humping, it's
actually written down. HA Rule 4.8, in the "All the RULES for NF!" sticky post on this forum.

You can go back to being suppressed now. =) "

You do realize what that rule means storm? There is no repair in HA. If you disconnect in
HA before you sink you can save your ship and allow it to be used again. I do not know if
there is still crew death in HA but if there still is and you D/C after you sink to save
crew then it wouldnt even violate this rule. I would like you to name one person (besides
Ledan) that has ever been banned for disconnecting for any reason other then to save a
ship in a harbor assault.

  • Re : And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 18. 2011 12:35

> I would like to see this "rule" too Stormvanger. Considering TNF allows border
> humping planes, again, it seems like they are trying to suppress the community.

It's one of those rules that is really only cared about in HA and other competitive play,
as disconnects can be used to gain an advantage there. And unlike border humping, it's
actually written down. HA Rule 4.8, in the "All the RULES for NF!" sticky post on this forum.

You can go back to being suppressed now. =)

  • Re : And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 18. 2011 09:19

i had a better shot...
killed 22 officers, 22 skilled and 18 rookies..

was shooting a kongo at 45deg with my yamato... 11.8k damage with a single shell

  • Re : And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 18. 2011 05:23

Storm never said anything about banning people for DC'ing. Let's leave it that way
rather than force ourselves down a narrow street.

I don't think it is far fetched to say that disconnecting to save vets is illegal. It makes
sense if you think about it. I don't know what rule storm has in mind, but with rules
such as "against the spirit of the game" around it can be easily made to include DC'ing.

Don't blow what storm said out of proportion and cause a fuss over nothing. It will just
end up with TNF being forced to explicitly define this as illegal and start yet another
thing for reporta jajaja's.

  • Re : And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 18. 2011 01:53

"Right. You can avoid crew losses if you crash or exit the game before clicking YES on the
battle exit box.

Now technically, this is illegal. But it's not one of those rules that's strictly
enforced. I'll suck down the odd vet death, especially since you can't lose vets from
aircraft kills now, and I really dont' care about experts/rookies. But for a hit like
that... good god."

I would like to see this "rule" too Stormvanger. Considering TNF allows border humping planes, again,
it seems like they are trying to suppress the community. On top of that, NF Fixer is an allowed 3rd
party program with the function to kill the game. I suppose you are banning that now?

If the rules have been changed to input this, then fine. HOWEVER, the community was again not
notified. Remember, you are our representative, act like it.

  • Re : And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 17. 2011 23:51

"in my ENTIRE game play with NF (beta till now) this has been frowned upon and
considered noobness"

--- Many people would rather save their real life money than uphold their ingame
reputation. When it comes to something real life and something virtual, it's obvious
which is more important.

Personally I would rather save $2 of vets and disconnect, regardless of what others
think, as people's opinions of me don't matter. I could then use that $2 and buy
myself a beer, which I'd enjoy more that having people praise me for not

  • Re : And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 17. 2011 22:57

"Right. You can avoid crew losses if you crash or exit the game before clicking YES on the
battle exit box.

Now technically, this is illegal. But it's not one of those rules that's strictly
enforced. I'll suck down the odd vet death, especially since you can't lose vets from
aircraft kills now, and I really dont' care about experts/rookies. But for a hit like
that... good god. "

I would like to see where it is this rule is posted because i smell BS.

  • Re : And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 17. 2011 22:35

comeon guys how many of u will play nf if u loose crew like that everyday even w/o HS?

  • Re : And i wonder why my crew sucks

    03. 17. 2011 21:45

should we try this ???

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