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  • SS5?

    03. 16. 2011 21:05

so i have heard and seen pictures and talk about these ss5's for nations. it looked
like they were a part in the test server and i heard they were supposed to get
launched in the SSR launch? im just curious as to what ever happen to that whole
idea? ive asked around and no one really knows or even heard?

  • Re : SS5?

    06. 07. 2011 13:20

ss takes minimal skill, because theres not much to it. Its too simple and theres no
variety to the gameplay. Theres no national advantages/disadvantages. Theres no
complexity at all to subs. You cant change your launchers and theres only 1 type of
torp. Its completely basic. Even leveling the crew is basic. Ive got 2 ss4 crews which
took me a week to level lol

  • Re : SS5?

    06. 07. 2011 11:23

I personally don't mind SS4s. Yeah, they hit like a truck, but that's what subs are for.
SS5-6? I hope not.

I think before SDE implements SS5-6 they should make it mandatory for BBs to have a scout.

  • Re : SS5?

    06. 06. 2011 22:52

I think we must rely on Yuno's updates about SS5..

  • Re : SS5?

    06. 06. 2011 22:51

SUB are fragile!!!

  • Re : SS5?

    06. 06. 2011 20:49

"soviet and us will have nukes"

hows this for that conclusion?

Features pictures of soviet SS5 and SS6

Besides, nukes would cost a huge amount. IE: one nuke costs 1 milllion. MIRV cost

  • Re : SS5?

    06. 06. 2011 20:37

Well, regarding SS in this game: IMO they have their challenges and doesn't make
people using them good or bad players, games sometimes let you choose the
difficulty at which you play. But this doesn't means that if you play in the highest
difficulty possible you are a better player or better person, because if that was the
case then KM players (Ahem, me for example) would be regarded as in-game gods
(Face it, KM is the weakest of all the nations), but it is not the case; I like to think of
us as players that enjoy a challenge and that have a liitle bit of a masochist inside us
(Awful grinds, less ships, not so much of a range advantage, and most of the time we
get, as some other user I don't really remember said "Paper ships that shoot paper
bullets") Yes, KM does have one of the bests (if not the best) AA, and cool proxy
torps. Nevertheless, this is a game and we have to learn from our defeats, if
someone beat us: We must disregard in which mode are they playing and just learn
from our mistakes and get better at playing this game. I myself am a BB/CV and
aspiring SS driver, I have sunk SS with cannon fire, Dept charges (Using HH is fer
n00bs, heheheh JK) and even DBs (Have you ever tried to DB an SS using manual? It
is freaking hard!) and I have been sunk myself by said SS too. It is not a matter of
who is a better player/person because of what you drive, but how you drive it (heck,
if you are skilled enought you can sink a BB using an FF if you want!) it is the skills
and dedication behind us that makes us great. But on top of all that, is this little but
important fact: This is just a game, we come here to entertain us, spend some time,
kick some arse, get our arse kicked, and have fun overall. So, play and smile :)

  • Re : SS5?

    03. 21. 2011 20:10

more bla bla obss....


  • Re : SS5?

    03. 21. 2011 18:07

yeah giev new subs with imba firepower lets see this...

oh the joy -_-

  • Re : SS5?

    03. 21. 2011 15:44

We dont really need them. The current ones need balancing before we get anything
new for subs.

Off topic, but... Go look back on page 3. Greentater = win.

  • Re : SS5?

    03. 21. 2011 15:35

can't wait for ss5.. hope its coming soon..

i have bb and cv btw, just want to complete all us lines.. xD
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