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  • When Reporting

    03. 17. 2011 08:14

What are the proper channels to go through when reporting someone. In this case,
purposefull team kill.

  • Re : When Reporting

    03. 17. 2011 17:11

my also be helpful if you told him how to post images to the support ticket, since this
forums dont have a direct link or copy and paste mode

  • Re : When Reporting

    03. 17. 2011 14:30

Aside from reporting, you can always avoid rooms with that person in the future. Or,
better yet, join/host a non-GB2 room.

A few of the mods will ban for just about anything, including using viable functions built
into the room hosting tools, so hope you're in the same room as one of them ;)

  • Re : When Reporting

    03. 17. 2011 13:28

pfft theres never enough evidence

i had several screenies

one of him actualy sinking my ship

and 2 others of him bashing me/ abusing me

in all chat before he did it......

  • Re : When Reporting

    03. 17. 2011 13:27

Just take some screenshot of you being TKed, submit a report, get a dozend of your
fleetmates to submit it too saying they saw it too.

Always remember its not about being rigth in this game, its about whining the loudest.

  • Re : When Reporting

    03. 17. 2011 08:50

inb4 jajaja reporta

  • Re : When Reporting

    03. 17. 2011 08:31

Just because you have a screenshot of someone TKing you dosnt mean anything will happen.
Twice I was purposely TKed in my CV in my time in NF to make me mad enough to actually
report someone for it. Both times despite SS showing me TKed behind the battle line there
was "not enough evidence".

  • Re : When Reporting

    03. 17. 2011 08:24

1. you can contact a mod in game using the /mod command and then whispering them , then
they will
help sort it out.
2. *edit*
3. send in a support ticket

*edited because there was a mistake: Posting on the forums with evidence is NOT a valid
channel for reporting - Ny*

  • Re : When Reporting

    03. 17. 2011 08:23

The best would be to take screenshots of the transgression and to send a support ticket.

Forum -> Support (left hand side) -> Contact Support) -> Submit Report - Select Reporting
an Offensive Player and Select Server