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  • General Upgrades

    03. 17. 2011 20:29

Just a question for all the navy field players out there,

why is it 2011 and this game looks just like it did back when it 1st came out? why cant we
get any new maps? new ship remodels? etc

why are there still bugs, simple bugs like the 3D one, i mean honestly if there is
anything that pisses people off is when a game crashes because of bad code. and the GM's
just tell you to reinstall the game, the 3R really?? come on guys.

We pay for this game don't we? or at least a majority of us either by EBVE crews or
P-ships or subscriptions. why cant we get a graphical update? why cant simple problems be
fixed? and why does this company ignore their player database? i mean even blizzard with
all their failures can do that.



  • Re : General Upgrades

    03. 18. 2011 19:55

First... This should be in the general fourm section.... its not really a suggestion...

But SDE has been working on the new nations and such. Thats what explination I
can give you... Without reading into your post a whole lot that is...