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Royal Navy


  • BB crew setup

    03. 18. 2011 11:40

Whats the best setup for UK BB's? I currently have 3 repairers, 2 engies, and 1
restorer.. I have a feeling I should get rid of one of the repairers, and put one
additional restorer on.. but not really sure.

thanks in advance


  • Re : BB crew setup

    05. 31. 2011 10:12

"Gump: I'm not sure if need restorer because restorer as i know increases ship max dp after
it have been damaged. "

Rests increase SD (and a some repair ability). SD is capped thus making it more
beneficial to use another Repairer or Engineer.

  • Re : BB crew setup

    05. 28. 2011 20:54

Ok. So its from the sailors. Thanks

Gump: I'm not sure if need restorer because restorer as i know increases ship max dp after
it have been damaged.

  • Re : BB crew setup

    05. 28. 2011 14:21

@above, SD does not come the ship, its from your crew (supports give big sd + your bo and
gunners), maybe around level 75-80 you'll reach 900 SD with BVE supports (correct this if

  • Re : BB crew setup

    05. 28. 2011 06:28

When does 900 sd capped reach at? Queen Elizabeth or POW? My lvl 61 UK BB now have 438sd.

  • Re : BB crew setup

    04. 28. 2011 23:22


My setup is
1 bo
5 eng
5 rep
1 scout
2 gunners
All elite and works fine with me.

  • Re : BB crew setup

    04. 16. 2011 08:30

Ahh perception is the greatest enemy of reality

  • Re : BB crew setup

    04. 15. 2011 17:22

Neat; It has been tested. Your tests are wrong.

Endgame wise, Restorers are useless on BB's.

  • Re : BB crew setup

    04. 15. 2011 16:29

Or Richard he could have a rest and a rep with equal ablity figures and expert/vet figures, or the same true ability,
and then in the test mission switch tine two and see the change on his reprate, assuming that he already has 900 sd.

  • Re : BB crew setup

    04. 15. 2011 15:30

get a rest on board and work a training mission with
him on and off do more then 1 game,

Mistake spotted.
Restore provide repair ability, therefore, removing it will slow down your repair
rate. It's the repair that you omit to take in consideration.

If you want to do a test, do with a restore having 0 repair ability. But that will
have your account banned/crew deleted due to mod crew.

Or swap with a repairman with 0 restore ability and same true repair ability as
the restorer. But that will again
have your account banned/crew deleted due to mod crew.

In short, your test has big flaws.

  • Re : BB crew setup

    04. 15. 2011 04:05

Restorers. Do. Nothing. Except. Boost. SD. Which. Is. Capped. At . 900. Making. Them. Completely. Useless.

On a related note, some opt to ignore a pair of aa gunners, use the main gunners classed as reload as aa gunners on
the emerald and instead use 2 seaman, which boosts accuracy, reloD, reps and oh time. I would just use one
seaman and use the last space for another engy.
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