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  • Memory Leaks?

    03. 19. 2011 22:47

Started lagging like crazy today, and it wasn't ISP or packet related, so i went to my
tast manager to check the memory usage

after being afk for about 6 hours, and starting up the game 2 hours priors to being afk
for 6, this is the memory usage.

So, I restarted the game, and this is what the memory usage was.

Any thoughts?

  • Re : Memory Leaks?

    03. 20. 2011 14:10

Lol at Bign00b

  • Re : Memory Leaks?

    03. 20. 2011 12:48

I've seen it using over a gig...

  • Re : Memory Leaks?

    03. 20. 2011 11:52

the challenge. Finding that memory leak... I think not.

  • Re : Memory Leaks?

    03. 20. 2011 09:54

This is a well known problem with me at least...

my old PC of 256 MB RAM (but boosted its virtual memory to 1 gig i think or

would run NF for 2 hours then start lagigng/runnning horribley..

i would have to restart the entire PC and try to reboot NF...

NF also used to take 8 minutes to load sometimes and freeze while loading having
to restart the process.