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Soviet Navy


  • CV6

    03. 20. 2011 16:15

Well, I haven't been paying much attention to NF the last year or so. Certainly I haven't
played in that time. I'm thinking the recent server merge and the release of the Soviet
navy is enough to get me to come back, at least for a little while to check out what's
going on these days... but anyway, I digress.

Does it strike anybody else as being very ironic that they chose to name the Soviet CV6
"Tsar?" I mean, seriously...


  • Re : CV6

    04. 22. 2011 02:16

they should have named the Kaiser



  • Re : CV6

    04. 05. 2011 17:07

Yes, it is rather ironic. Then again, name doesn't affect gameplay does it? oh, and
btw, the next person to post that "Czar / tsar ment monarch in Russian...", my curse
that you loose for the next 5000 moons and u rage quit for not reading my warning
carefully enough... *evil face here*kolkolkolkolkolkolkol...

  • Re : CV6

    04. 01. 2011 09:30

Kaiser should be renamed to Da Fuhrer...

Just my 2 cents...

  • Re : CV6

    04. 01. 2011 08:03

I have to agree.
What were they thinking when they came up with this name??

Its as if the US BB6 would have a name like "King George of England"
or the KM BB with a name like "Democrazy".
(yeah, sry, not really good examples, but just to give you a picture)

They really need to change the name.

  • Re : CV6

    03. 31. 2011 10:36

"especially of Russia prior to 1917"

*PRIOR TO* 1917. In other words, pre-USSR.

This is precisely why Tsar is NOT a good name. Lol. Way to contradict yourself.

And this is why people need to read replies before posting their own, because this has
been explained several times already.


  • Re : CV6

    03. 31. 2011 06:31

its just other word for King, so its great for CV6

tzar - a male monarch or emperor (especially of Russia prior to 1917)

  • Re : CV6

    03. 24. 2011 17:50

Cola wrote:
"thea also had a "tsar"-h-bomb"

The Soviets called the bomb "Vanya." The name "Tsar Bomb" was coined by Westerners as a
follow-on to the "Tsar Bell" and "Tsar Cannon," (both of which predated the USSR and were
popularly known as such before the Russian revolution) and subsequently caught on in
post-Soviet Russia as well, but the Soviets never referred to it by that name.


  • Re : CV6

    03. 24. 2011 12:18

For those not up on history, the Soviet Union came to be because the Bolsheviks revolted
against Tsar Nicholas II, imprisoned him and his family, and eventually executed them. The
idea that the Soviet Navy would name their ship after the position and man that (in their
eyes) ran his country to the ground is a laughable notion.

  • Re : CV6

    03. 24. 2011 09:25

I'm tempted to come back too. Downloading the game again.

  • Re : CV6

    03. 22. 2011 15:22

thea also had a "tsar"-h-bomb
so why dont name a ship after it
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