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  • DB's Bombs do damage when near miss

    03. 21. 2011 17:12

Hi. I just thought maybe DBs bombs should do more damage next to than on the
ship. I study WWII Naval Tactics a lot, and the best way to sink a Battleship, or
anything for that matter, is to drop the bomb in the water NOT on the ship. For some
flat-tops, the bomb will go through the aeroplane lift, but that's hard to do and the
explosion in the water will do waterline damage, flooding the ship. Even in the early
days of naval bombing (Billy Mitchell's test-sinking of the Ostfriesland- google "billy
mitchell sinks the ships") it was acknowledged that a bomb to the ship will do
contact damage, (part of the same issue I take when I say they should reverse the
role of HE and AP shells) the hole in the hull will make them TAKE ON ACTUAL WATER
which is necessary for the ship to sink. A bomb hit to the deck just makes a fire
which can easily be put out-- Look, there's water everywhere! Ships had pumps for
damage control. (I won't get too far into that.) But please consider what I have said,
you can look it up. Maybe the DBs dropped bombs should do torp damage when
near missed?

  • Re : DB's Bombs do damage when near miss

    03. 26. 2011 07:07

Apprently, you don't know much about bombs..... really snowball?

  • Re : DB's Bombs do damage when near miss

    03. 25. 2011 17:53

Lol No... bombes dont have splash damage noob. If they miss the ship, they SINK TO

Why is this you ask? Because the bombes have a trigger pin on the top of the bomb,
so when they hit a solid object (like a deck of a ship) they explode. Usually they are
designed to hit, and go down a few decks before actually exploding.

Water alone would not be hard enough to trigger those bombes... And even if it did,
the bomb would sink below the ship before exploding.

Think of actual phsyics next time?

  • Re : DB's Bombs do damage when near miss

    03. 25. 2011 16:24

Then it would be impossible to dodge DBs. It's are hard enough as it is, since all DB misses are near

  • Re : DB's Bombs do damage when near miss

    03. 22. 2011 13:35

the DBs would have to drop the bombs right next to the ship, which is
basically close enough to be the equivelant of a hit with the hitboxes. also youre
assuming NF = RL, which is not true.

  • Re : DB's Bombs do damage when near miss

    03. 22. 2011 13:23

Problem is it's hard enough to dodge DB's as it is, unless you have a ship with
decent turning force. But if you make it so dodging the DB's actually cause more
damage then DB's will be increadibly overpowered since almost nothing would be
able to dodge them.

  • Re : DB's Bombs do damage when near miss

    03. 22. 2011 03:41

not rec, i agree its true but some reality concept is not fitted in the game

some player is having hard time dodging db some have success is evading dbs adding it will
get more db whore cv cause even if they miss they can do damage and get attack points...