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  • Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 22. 2011 15:48

I know everyone has been seeing it. Less CV players playing and it taking forever to
start a battle. So i think CVs should be giving bigger incentives to encourge more
players to play CV. Something like a 15% exp per game boost or 50% credit per
game boost..

  • Re : Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 24. 2011 15:32

funny I rememmber when they say about a great improvement on the CV gameplay a long
time ago and the only big change was a color change circle that show the fuels status on
our planes; wich also get bugged some times (thats kinda fail)..

so what a great improvement to the CV gameplay SDE thx a lot :S

or at least listen/read the people opinion on the forum we have 2 post pinned already!
"Getting CV Drivers back flying again" and "Ultimate CV Wish List"

about more incentives I really dont like the idea.
instead more incentives, a more helpful sistem on the GUI of the CV players or a REAL
gameplay improvement would be great :D

dunnow, like mark our scuadron on the minimap, improve the load of planes sistem/menu

stuff like that.

and sorry for my english

  • Re : Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 24. 2011 12:37

Like I said before two things are needed.

1. After certain lvl ca/bb must have scout. Nowadays 20-30% of ships who can put
scout on, dont bother lvling pilot. They usually are flaming cv:s instead.


Limit number of pure aa ships in a game, sometimes it큦 totaly ridiculus amount of
pure aa ships ruin the game for cv:s (and scouting bb:s). Thats why I dont taking
out my carriers anymore.

(and yes I know how to dodge aa, been 120 lvl cv since midway came out)

  • Re : Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 24. 2011 12:02


I agree with you 100% on that. It's the fact that they expect CV's to be scouts, without
even taking into consideration the vast number of AA ships shooting our planes down, and
the fighters that are 20 levels higher that just pick off lower level ones like flies.
It's also the fact that NF hasn't implemented some type penalty towards friendly AA
fire... That should definitely be suggested, seeing as we'll have maybe 4 planes left
after just flying over our own team.

They should also try making flags generally the same level in a battle. So one battle has
2 CV1 flags, the next CV4's, and so on to try and even it out a little bit.


I am also interested in whatever herbal substance you enjoying inhaling, because what you
said just didn't make any comprehensible sense.

  • Re : Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 23. 2011 14:13


i already agreed with you when I answered phimon, please try to keep up.


I have no idea what you are trying to say. Please share whatever you're smoking.

  • Re : Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 23. 2011 13:58

Hold it people.Its not the tactic and all else BS that stop people from playing CV.

1st Why we need to be flag and usually flag is CV tier 1 on one side and CV tier 5 on
other.Gues who win.(not to mention that reward for being the flag is usually fast death)

2nd Low lvl fighters (not interseptors) cant even hunt bombers so until +60 lvl on fighter
crews, CV barely cover their plane costs.(not to mention that interseptors cant scout so
low CV are more like AA ship with ability to use bombers than real CV)

3rd Noob frendly AA that usually kill more of my planes than enemys and dont get ANY penalty

4th noob BB that want CV to scout for them(they dont even equip scouts) even when
blind can see that enemy hold the air with + 20planes over our line

5th There is no CV line from lvl 12 like ships so as new player geting pilots is real pain

So as a whole geting CV is alot harder than geting to BB tier 1 and even then feeling that
you do something for the team is missing until lvl +80.

  • Re : Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 23. 2011 12:41

CV = Fighter cover, deliver death at arms reach of the fleet (standoff)
BB = Shield for fleet (primarily cv's)
CA = fast heavy hitter with low armor, AA
CL = armored AA, anti-DD, Torp walls
DD = Torp walls, part-time AA, ASW, fast but unarmored gunships (anti-dd, CL)
FF = ASW, Dumbfire missiles (fire and forget) to throw at enemy ff's and dd's
SS = silent hunter, ASW if no ASW ship nearby

If people can get over their greed and accept these roles as gospel, you will see
better success ''

In real life any ships,vessels is built for very distinctive role !no all is use HH fantastic.
In real life type XXI and type IXC,D2 and VIIC is use acustic torpedoes.
In real life ww2 is end soon and axis is dont use all tech weapons.
In real life you louse,some is do the duty in naval and is better like,... other.
In real life we don't hate and we respect the sacrifice of all army with truth and respect.
In real life i wish : best regard from NoviSad.

  • Re : Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 23. 2011 10:32

wow u cant make the bbs stand as a shield while cvs bw and this game is far from
realistic so a bb is the main fighting force in the game and cv is like a support role that
helps with sight and cover basicly and ca means armored cruicer not a cruicer with much
firepower less armor (armored compared to a cl)

  • Re : Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 23. 2011 09:28

All i want is to see more CV players in the game

  • Re : Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 22. 2011 23:19

I can agree with that. Maybe if we had bigger maps and the winning team got twice
as much xp. That would create a better atmosphere for formation tactics and
teamwork. Also, it would likely create lag, but what if we could launch more than a
mere handful of planes? My grasp of history may be a bit rusty, but I'm fairly certain
that cv's could launch more than 6-12 planes...

Maybe that's the answer to motivating and rewarding cv drivers. Let us launch
enough planes to truly be as effective as we could (and should) be. When a cv can
launch three waves of 6 db's, you'll start to see other cv's launching wave upon
wave of fighters. Once this is allowed (and the serves updated to prevent the lag),
we will begin to see WWII battles like they should be! Fleets of capital ships capped
by swarms of fighters and bombers! You want an incentive for cv drivers? How
about giving them something to fight with?

Note: If such a possibility were to miraculously come to pass, deck armor would
need some buffs. A yamato should be able to withstand a good handful of bombing
runs after all. Bulge would be fine the way it is. If two waves of three tb's are able
survive long enough to approach a yamato, (nevermind getting close enough to
drop a torp) they deserve to sink it.

What do you think of giving cv's more planes to launch? Maybe just doubling the
current numbers? Then boost deck armor endurance by 10-15% or so?

  • Re : Bigger Incentives For CV players

    03. 22. 2011 21:28

PictWarrior1 I'd have to disagree with you on that. Although that might have been the
primary use of battleships in WWII, this platform was designed so that carriers should be
covering battleships. This is soley because Carriers do not have the ability to take down
10 battleships without getting their bombers shot down by enemy fighters or AA, and also
because it would take too long to load a combination of fighters and
divebombers/torpbombers to be able to sink the opposing team within the given time frame.
I also asure you that no BB player will want to grind 17 levels from BB5 to BB6 merely by
covering CV's... If there incentive is to cover carriers on both sides, then nobody
rushes, nobody gets attack, and grinding will take 5 times as long.

You cannot bring realistic life strategies used in WWII in this game... That's only
because losing a battleship costs a lot so it wouldn't be smart to rush, but it costs you
a trivial amount of credits in-game, so people have more incentive to rush and level faster.

I see where you were going with that, but we're gonna have to find better ways to motivate
CV players.
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