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  • Can't play in XP Virtual Machine (XP guest, Linux Host)

    03. 22. 2011 19:25

I created a Virtual Machine using Virtualbox, being Ubuntu Linux (10.10) the host.

I installed the game with no problem. When I click on the icon, the screen goes black,
after a while I hear the music but nothing can be seen, just a black screen.

I had reached level 40 in Hood server months before, I had to format the PC and installed
a new OS (Linux) and I want to play again.

BTW Now I logged with the same account in this site and my level is 1 (?). I see that now
there are two servers, Kaiser and Nebraska, where are the Hood, Bismarck and Yamato?



  • Re : Can't play in XP Virtual Machine (XP guest, Linux Host)

    03. 25. 2011 01:57

LOL the xep in the forum are forum exp, lol not acctual exp in game :D

  • Re : Can't play in XP Virtual Machine (XP guest, Linux Host)

    03. 24. 2011 21:35

Some people are able to run navyfield through VMWare or VirtualSunBox by oracle, they can
run Navyfield via ubuntu.
Just know the setting.

  • Re : Can't play in XP Virtual Machine (XP guest, Linux Host)

    03. 24. 2011 21:25

Virtual machines don't work with games, they're intended for productivity software