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Royal Navy


  • I have a question about entering the BB line.

    03. 22. 2011 22:06

1. What is a good crew setup?
2. And when should I class my armaments to AA gunners? (I want the Pom Poms)
3. Should I use ACC or RLD gunners. (main cannons)
4. Is boosting really necessary?
5. What base stats should engineers and repairmen have?

I plan on entering the York line.

  • Re : I have a question about entering the BB line.

    03. 24. 2011 17:26

like that kid say the UK is about thare BBs cause they can dish it out with higher lvls
BBs(if in range) and do good damage subs i heard but not sure the UK torps are the
worse??? and i think the UK CVs are good inTBing and they have strong fighters (like
good armour) but i gusse CVs would be good cause you got extra slot for support

  • Re : I have a question about entering the BB line.

    03. 23. 2011 23:55

Whats wrong with the york line?
(Grinding doesn't bother me as long as the ship isn't too weak)

I am a first time player, and said the same thing, grinding don't bother me. boy was I
wrong. York can be bad azz at block shooting, but the thing is by the time your gunners
can block, you can't play in blitz anymore. Nelson 14 quads is awsome!! too bad I can
almost never get in range to hit anything, except for the rushing DDs and CLs. (but then
that's only me). And if I was lucky enough to sneak in range, i will, maybe, sink a monty
or super yamato, but as soon as i fire a salvo, there will be 3 or 4 in the air, and down
I go. O_o. Didn't see that on those youtube videos. Anyways, choice is yours. York line
is slow speed, slow firing, short range, but hard hitting. and longgggg grinding.

  • Re : I have a question about entering the BB line.

    03. 23. 2011 20:55

"grinding doesn't bother me"

ohhhhh boy, are you gunna be proven wrong! but the renown and repulse are for
the more.....eccentrically minded people and thus more difficult; whilst the county is
for the traditionalists and those looking for the "easy" button. by the time you get to
the L1/Vangod split,
most go with the Vangod for the range and speed advantage.

  • Re : I have a question about entering the BB line.

    03. 23. 2011 19:55

Whats wrong with the york line?
(Grinding doesn't bother me as long as the ship isn't too weak)

And thanks for the answers guys.

Ive decided to use Reloads as AA. (to snipe)

  • Re : I have a question about entering the BB line.

    03. 23. 2011 18:17

1- A good crew setup, as stated before, is 2 main gunners (11/11 or 12/10 for best
results), BO, and around 5 engys and 3 reps
2- If you want to go Pom-poms, class the armament sailors late, or go rld gunners to use
the 5.25" duals and snipe planes out of the sky
3- UK gunners hit the acc and rld caps quicker with rld gunners, but I had Acc gunners and
the reload times weren't too bad
4- It makes you more competitive, but isn't really necessary, unless you want a super crew
5- +12s. +11s at the least. And try to get good restore stats on there too.

As for entering the York line, I highly suggest you go county. The York line is extremely
difficult, especially with at level crews. If you go York, there's a pretty strong
possibility you'll give up like dozens before you..

  • Re : I have a question about entering the BB line.

    03. 23. 2011 16:57

you'll hit the skill limit cap regardless for both ACC & RLD. but the UK guns are
notoriously slow for reloading. so it's "recomended" that you take the RLD gunners,
your accuracy won't be the greatest until a much higher level, but you won't be
pounded by 3 volleys per single 1 of your's.

unfortunately, unlike the US. if you take either ACC or RLD gunners, you don't get the
option of reversing them at the next class upgrade :(

consider having a pair of regular gunners (level 12 minimum) and using HH instead of
AA until you get up into the King George (or the equivilant on the York line).

in the Renown, or Revenge/Queen Elizabeth, you're easy prey to most of the BBs on
the water. being able to use HH to protect your line from incoming subs can be more
beneficial than doing AA (there's plenty of AA to go around usually. as that's what
most of the CAs and even some BBs are doing).

but to each their own, you could put torps on the BB if you really wanted to. although
I'm "told" that if you use both Guns & Torps in a battle, you actually lose xp rather
than gain.

  • Re : I have a question about entering the BB line.

    03. 23. 2011 11:17

How do I fit so many engie's and repairs on my ship?
And should they be trained in groups?


Simplest answer is to rotate crew as you move up in ship tiers, then start a second BO and
run another line rotating sailors again. When playing this game as agonizing as it may be
you have to think of the endgame crew (BB6/CV6). BB6 is 14 sailors, obviously no lower
level ship gives you that to work with so you rotate.

  • Re : I have a question about entering the BB line.

    03. 23. 2011 09:03

How do I fit so many engie's and repairs on my ship?
And should they be trained in groups?

  • Re : I have a question about entering the BB line.

    03. 23. 2011 00:15

Let me give you my two cents, and that's about all they are worth. ^_^

1. most people will tell you to go with 2 gunner, 2 AA, 1 bo, 5 eng, 3 repair, 1 scout.
If I had to restart, I would go with 8 eng, and sell 2 later, and buy 2 repair for the
price of 1 eng. O_o
2. If you Realllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyy want to use Pom Pom, the class them as late as
possible, like 80s or so. other road is to use reload gunners, but then you cant use pompoms.
3. Seems everyone is saying to use reload gunners for your main and AA, if you can stand
the terrible spread go with reload, if you can not stand it (like I) then go with acc gunners.
4. Boosting is not needed, but it will make life happier a few levels earlier. if you do
boost, do it on engies, long OH time = happiness.
5. +12 base and 10 to 11 on other, keep rolling rolling rolling.........and then roll some
6. Think hard about the york line, and then think some more, then hopefully you have
choose the county line. grinding is not fun....