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  • Ban all use of the word

    03. 23. 2011 15:16

"Noob" and all its derived words, such as "nub" should be banned from NF. Yuno should have
his developers stop working on everything else and write a code so that when you type out
"Noob" either in the forums or in game, nothing but blank spaces or @#$% comes out. This
is why:

So every day, we come here to the forums and we complain that the game is dying. We
complain there are no new people. We complain about unskilled, stupid players and we
complain about treatment of CV drivers (or whoever). The single, worst thing that we can
do to ourselves is use the word "noob"

By calling new people "noob" you turn them off to the game. The are belittled, made to
feel inferior and left feeling stupid/useless/unwanted. We don't want new people to quit,
we want them to stay. Saying things like "Fail noob!" does nothing to improve their
gameplay. In fact, all that does is make the NF community look like elitist clics and
causes them to give up and leave. Bad for all of us. I keep a note pad next to my computer
and if I see someone do something colossally dumb, I just write down their name and later
while I'm waiting for the next battle, I whisper them a short note and let them know how
to play better. How hard is that? Now instead of feeling like an outcast, they feel like a
part of the game and guess what? They seem to actually learn!

By calling people "Noob" in forums, all that does is start flame wars which causes mods to
lock topics. This is a big waste of our time, especially when some people are genuinely
trying to make NF a better place and spend a lot of time cutting/pasting images or typing
up ideas, only to be called "noob" or end up in a flame war and a topic locked.

The final version of "noob" is the one I hate the most, as its used as a form of swear
word. While in game yelling "Noob CV vision!" or "Noob BB Scout!" doesn't do anything
except ruin the game for that player. Obviously, calling someone in a L120 Midway is
utterly stupid. They aren't a "noob". They're a veteran player. What you are doing is
heckling and name calling. In fact, I've had some incredible games and when someone feels
that they have a better grasp of a particular situation calls me "noob" without out a
complete understanding of my own position, has given rise to a new type of name. I call
this person "tactical noob", as they don't understand the tactical situation of
interrelated and specialized units and are forced to resort to name calling instead of

So, nothing good ever comes out of "noob". Ban it. Mods obviously don't feel bad about
locking topics, banning, or blocking swear words. Put "noob" on the list.

  • Re : Ban all use of the word

    04. 01. 2011 19:01

Topic locked, its just flaming. And its just not a good idea.

  • Re : Ban all use of the word

    04. 01. 2011 18:25

You have to remember here that most people from "the americas" are afraid of anything
that is remotely "communist" like taking away the ability to harass people. Because in
the US harassing people is part of the day. Even harassing your own parents, and
everyone who is against harassing is a commie.

American logic (or any logic outside Europe) in a box.

Now to the more serious point.

Blaming a noob is just as bad as blaming the jews for the economic crisis.

  • Re : Ban all use of the word

    03. 30. 2011 20:06

Not reccomended.

You're basically asking people to play nice. When does this ever work? If you get
offended by the word "noob", you don't deserve has go onto the internet.

  • Re : Ban all use of the word

    03. 30. 2011 19:31

You are everything that is wrong with the game.

Just press F3 if you don't want to see chat.

  • Re : Ban all use of the word

    03. 30. 2011 09:50

^u jelly.....?

  • Re : Ban all use of the word

    03. 29. 2011 14:25

hahaahhaha this is funny trololololo

.... u mad?

  • Re : Ban all use of the word

    03. 28. 2011 03:44

dude no disrespect but you need to grow a back bone, if they filtered out noob I
promise you 5 secs later it would be replaced with something else, so just ignore it,
as you will see razzing happens in every video game, so plz dont act so shocked it
happens here

turn the other cheek and move on, this thread has done nothing more, then made
you a target for ppl to now mess with

let it go

  • Re : Ban all use of the word

    03. 28. 2011 03:19

It's commonly used in every other game, why should NF be any different. Besides, with the
number of BBs running around without scouts, clearly all the noobs are still playing.

  • Re : Ban all use of the word

    03. 27. 2011 11:33

remove one word, they'll just find another one to take it's place. and most likely won't
be as nice as "noob"

at least a "noob" has some excuse, makes you wonder what the more veteran players
use to explain when they do the same stupid things...

  • Re : Ban all use of the word

    03. 27. 2011 00:01

Noob: is a bad player as far as skill no matter how many bb6/cv6s they have.
Newb: is a new player to the game, and is very innocent, although sometimes also incompetant.

Neither word should be taken out because you technically have to be 18 years old to play,
and I think most adults can take it and not get their vagina's hurt by this word (in
general, not saying this to anyone particular in game or in this thread).
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