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  • (TRADING) "buy tab"

    03. 25. 2011 02:29

It's far better to see the demand right in front of you, rather
than to try and guess what people would buy and post it, and so, I think a "buy tab"
would be much better.

Most NF users know about the trade tab in game, and we also know that selling on
it doesn't always work......

I think what it needs is a buy tab.

I have thought of a way of doing this

It would be somthing like, You offer this much, for this type of saior in this nation,
with THIS much, or more base, at THIS lvl, with so many or more vets, .....

In trade, there would be a Buy and Sell tab at the top of the screen, it would be
much like the normal sell tab, just it would be a buy tab, make sence?
--OR, as Happy Meal put it:
I think instead of specific orders, it would have to be coded so that people can Input
parameters that say "I want a sailor that has at least X experts, X vets, this much
ability and this base." and then people offer sailors they have matching these
parameters, and potential buyer can choose which he wants to buy.

I think this would be almost hevenly for us traders...
And it would be even better for it to not expire, but it would have to have a limit, but
it would be nice if it would be longer, say 30 or 15 days? And as for the fee make it
small, like 5000creds for posting or somthing like 10kcreds, just the small amounts.

This would allow people to not have to spam in game. (as i have got banned for
serval mineuts for doing so :D)

  • Re : (TRADING)

    04. 08. 2011 14:28

Last bump, i don't see why this has only 3, but i am going to try one last time, and
snowball, please don't post :)

  • Re : (TRADING)

    03. 31. 2011 23:33

UUolf, im not saying your trying to rip people off. dont think that I am... Im saying
most people would.... Remember... there are people out there who will lie and steal
to get ahead. So don't think Im saying that about you -.-

And I know why there is a time limit on how long the sailor is on the trade board
noob. But they actually have increased the days the sailor stays up. It used to be 3.
But now its more like a *week. (*I don't know for sure on the time limit now, but it is
longer than 3 days.)

And no. nothing "Positive" to add.... -.-

Elliot is right. The current trade board is fine how it is. If anyone is having troubble
selling an item... it's because they are charging too much, or the base sucks.

But if this where to happen... The thing Happy suggested would be the only thing
that could work.

  • Re :

    03. 30. 2011 19:30

The biggest problem that i can see is that when selling sailors, there ARE

x number of rookies, experts and vets
x base
x ability (not TRUE ability, but ability as shown. Not all sailors start with the same

I think instead of specific orders, it would have to be coded so that people can Input
parameters that say "I want a sailor that has at least X experts, X vets, this much
ability and this base." and then people offer sailors they have matching these
parameters, and potential buyer can choose which he wants to buy.

@ elliot: Go get drunk and da... oh wait. You already did. Quit trolling good ideas, go
find a necroer or whatever it is you do.

  • Re :

    03. 27. 2011 17:46

Good idea, posting

  • Re :

    03. 27. 2011 06:00

Just ignore Elliot, he's just trollin' as usual.

This is an excellent idea, it's far better to see the demand right in front of you, rather
than to try and guess what people would buy and post it.

You could always have a reverse auction, see who is willing to sell what for the lowest,
or view multiple offers that may not match yours exactly, but may be desirable none the

  • Re :

    03. 26. 2011 23:55

seems like the NF trade tab system is fine how it works now, don't break the system that

  • Re : Buy tab

    03. 25. 2011 18:27

1, i don't rip people off, hell, i've given random people loans before....
2. I don't lie, please quit assuming so.

3. The nice thing about this would be that the buy "requests", if NF permits, would
stay there for a bit of time, thus it dosen't matter if there are very few traders, some
might eventually get it...

4. And, the reason they have a period set is so it dosen't get TOO full of things, and
they won't extend that, so i am working a way around it :D.

5. Got any POSTIVE suggestions?

  • Re :

    03. 25. 2011 17:29

Before i read it, 2 things: 1: the reason why the sailors dont sell, is because you
charge too much or lie about the base. 2: What your selling is not in high demand.
sell it in a trade room. Also the base could be too bad for anyone to want.

But one flaw I can see is... If you say choose... a KM DB Lvl 75... there is going to be
vary FEW sellers. because not many sailors fit that bill... it sounds nice... but how the
trade system works now is fine. Although, i wouldnt mind a few extra days for selling

  • Re : Buy tab

    03. 25. 2011 16:43

Ya, that would be cool, but will NF allow ur sugestion? i mean, they don't allow trade
talk in battles.... and how would they pick who shows up? i mean,u don't want a ton
in the loading screen, some might crash... but ya, not a bad idea...

  • Re : Buy-tab in in game trade!!

    03. 25. 2011 13:38

Hmmm.....Seems like a good idea. I think it's bad that there's only has a sell tab
because it doesn't always have what I need. Another thing you should add on is that
for a HIGH price, you can create and use an ad that would pop up during the Battle
Ready (or w/e the loading screen is). Anyway, rec. Nice suggestion.