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  • Macros in battle rooms

    03. 29. 2011 09:57

Ok, so I know that when the macros were introduced to the game that people often
used them to spam up the rooms. However I am here to ask that the macros be
reactivated for pre-battle room use. When you are trying to buy or sell a particular
sailor, it is much more useful to just pop out a macro in a waiting room some 40-60
people in it. When you are selling something like a crew, this is much more time
efficient to use the macros when everyone is just sitting there. I have had MUCH
more success buying/selling sailors in the waiting rooms than I have ever had when
using the forums or using a trade room. Forums are time consuming to take pictures,
crop them, adjust where you want it to go, upload, post. I know it doesn't sound like
that much but when you have some 10+ sailors to repeat this process for. Also,
trade rooms to me are inconvenient when you could be doing the same exact thing
when waiting to actually play the game.

As for the spam issue, I suggest there being a timer to restrict the use of macros
from being spammed - in the battle room only. Maybe a limit of 1 macro every 60 or
90 seconds or something like that. That would go towards all macros in general,
even the people who try to make cute little pictures of a sail boat would no longer be
able to do so. This would allow people like me to be able to buy/sell while actually
waiting to PLAY the game, instead of having to sit around doing absolutely nothing in
a trade-room or doing whatever else ways there are to get your sailors information

P.S. I know that there is a trade channel... but come on let's be honest here. I see
maybe 1 or 2 people enter that channel every like 3 days. I think this would be a
much more appropriate use for trading.


  • Re : Macros in battle rooms

    03. 31. 2011 23:49

I'm sorry, but I'm not reading past the first few lines. This is because the MODs,
players, and therefor SDE do not like to see the trade messages at all in trade

Now, dont get me wrong. I would like them to allow it again.. Because that's the
only time when I would use the trade macro (other than in the loading screen, never
during battle)

But yeah... not many players know about this trade channel... I personally know it
exists... but i don't know what it's actual name is... But since these bans on trade
messages have been put in place... It has been vary hard to sell any sailors.
Because let's face it... trade rooms dont get many people to come... and most sailors
where sold due to trade messages in trade rooms... this is simply because people
don't want to go looking in the trade area for what they want, or when they check
they dont see it, so go back to leveling.

The only way to sell a sailor now is either
*A. on the trade board (which isn't the best, because there is no nagotiation
between players, and you have to set a good price... where you could have gotten
more if in trade room)
*B. in a trade room (but who want's to sit in a trade room all day when they could
be leveling?
*C. fourm page. (These sometimes work... but not often since most treads aren't
looked at, or there are so many, they get lost, or people just dont look at the

On another note, I'm with Audessy... I used to have macro's for hosting options too.
Also, I know there have been many players that had other things that they like to
post. Some where annoying.. but some where not. Also... Fleets using macro's to
recruit suffer too. Because they aren't really allowed to advertise their fleets...
atleast not when the battle starts. (and who will look at those fleet messages after
the match starts? I usually dont)

It's kind of silly that SDE had to ban all use of macro's just to stop trade messages...
I mean really... why is it that much of an issue? If the player spams the trade
message they will be muted for 2 mins.

Let the player MODs ban them from the game for a bit for spamming the trade

*NOTE!* If the player spams the trade message more that a reasonable ammount,
then they may be banned... if they only say it once or twice, then let them BE! This
only includes one message... It may varry if the player has more than 1 or 2 trade

I recc this, because the ban of macro's and trade macro's in the battle WAIT room is
unnessisary, and over-sensoring by SDE.

  • Re : Macros in battle rooms

    03. 30. 2011 09:52

macros are amazing!

where else would we get our comedy from?!?!

"under rain of fake hh brave uboat makes braveness brave" or something to that

pure genius

  • Re : Macros in battle rooms

    03. 30. 2011 09:22

Recc'd. Not even just for trade. Back in the day I used a macro for hosting saying
"Loader!" or "SNG, good luck everyone!".

Another good idea otherwise would be to have everyone enter the trade channel by
default when they log on. They must manually leave if they don't like advertisements.

  • Re : Macros in battle rooms

    03. 29. 2011 20:10

People (like me) like to minimize the game while waiting. This would just be useless

  • Re : Macros in battle rooms

    03. 29. 2011 10:17

Perhaps you would use the system correct but others only using it for crap, also trading
selling etc is not allowed in those rooms.

Best Regards,

  • Re : Macros in battle rooms

    03. 29. 2011 10:13

Trade Tab works great. Set it and Forget it. If your worried about the commission set
the price to factor the commission in. If you want to direct it to someone, tell em to
look at the trade window, they can sort any number of ways.

  • Re : Macros in battle rooms

    03. 29. 2011 10:10

Well, if you actually read the post then you would see my reasonings as to why it is

  • Re : Macros in battle rooms

    03. 29. 2011 10:01

There's the trade channel. There's the trade tab. There's the trade area. Not needed.