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  • new BBs room

    04. 03. 2011 14:31

Why do not are created a room with the same xp and credits that GB2 that all ships
could enter, but not the VCs. And one of the things that has led me to play less NF,
the long waiting period for CVs in GB2.

  • Re : new BBs room

    04. 05. 2011 14:58

this would be a good idea tho for BBs of certin tier and CVs to all be able to play in
same room maby with CA n CLs would help tho and would still give good exp
wwould like to see something like this to happin

  • Re : new BBs room

    04. 05. 2011 14:12

Again, it wasn't just at you. It was to players in general that make suggestions like this.
Once thing that makes me *facepalm* about BBs is when they have enemy FP flying at
0 alt, the enemy is scouted, and they launch a scout. The scout dies, and they start
whining because they launched a plane next to enemy. Honestly, if you REALLY want to
have a no CV room, make a no BB room. Only fair.

  • Re : new BBs room

    04. 05. 2011 14:02

i have scout,and i scouting all the time,but i cant scout wen im sorrowdend by
enemys fps and i have a cv close to me and he insists sending dbs all the time,can i
send a scout with enemys fps close to the head of my ship.and i have a CV4 US BO
LV 94 i know what is play whith a cv i know the needs of a BBs and i say BBs need
to see,CVs need to scouting not sending DBs all the time that will not help teams
win,in notyhing only will help the guy is in front in is computer win mor XP to get the
next lv on is fp pilot.and atention im not say to CVs dont send DBs,a god CV player
knows wen to send DBs and FPs and.sorry fo my bad english.

  • Re : new BBs room

    04. 04. 2011 23:07

how about a room similar to GB2 but with maximum level limit of 85. This way players who
want to play a great battle room without having to worry about High tier (4,5 and 6)
Battleships hogging all the kills and carrier players no longer have worry about Tier 4
fighter spammers

  • Re : new BBs room

    04. 04. 2011 13:53

Seriously? Another one of these threads. This will be a long post. Bare with me.

NOTE: This isn't at OP. I'm writing this to stop suggesting all of these GB1 buffs/no CV
limit/no CV game.

If you guys want to keep playing GB2s, then I suggest people stop screaming their
***es of whenever they die because they can't see. Get a scout and stop *****ing.
Yes I'm angry because I've seen too often that people are either hating CVs or want a
game mode without them so it can start faster. You know what guys? Go play GB1, or
stop playing. Seriously, if you suck enough to ALWAYS blame a single class of ship
because you can't manage to level up ONE sailor that can fly a plane, just leave. No one
makes you play, and there are many things more productive in life than sitting at a
computer constantly screaming at someone for not babying you.

/flame shield activated

  • Re : new BBs room

    04. 03. 2011 23:10

I'd rather see a BB/CA room with no level cap.

  • Re : new BBs room

    04. 03. 2011 20:33

If you have the ability to earn your own exp, Normal rooms work just as well as GB's.

  • Re : new BBs room

    04. 03. 2011 16:26

The point behind having GB2 giving the most XP is because it involves all types of ships.
Creating a "no-CV" room but allowing all other types of ships is just an attempt to poke a
stick in the eye of people that are playing CVs.

The real problem here, which has been addressed time and again, is that people aren't
using CVs because they don't feel like getting yelled at in game. There are quite a few
people out there with CVs. During the last event during double credit play, there were CV
only rooms everywhere!

If you want BB only rooms, there is an option in place to do that. If you would like to
have a no CV room, that option is also there for you as well. At times, I do play CV only
so I see no problem with that. Or perhaps you could host your own GB2 room and just start
with 2 CVs????However, if you don't want to play GB2 against the full spectrum of ships,
then you shouldn't be rewarded with the benefits.

  • Re : new BBs room

    04. 03. 2011 15:43

yes!!! plz yes i wouold love something like that :)

  • Re : new BBs room

    04. 03. 2011 15:40

CVs do show up, you just have to wait more then two minutes. Few rooms disband
because there are no CVs arriving and the ones that don't just go with 4 or 6 CVs.
complaining about lack of CVs isnt the fault of the people making the game or that there
are no gametypes made JUST for non-CV players, its that you dont have the patience to
wait for people to arrive.

Better yet, solve the problem by having your own CV. all-in-all dont play navyfield if you
cant wait 5 minutes for a game to start. I hear CoD has quick paced game play.
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