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  • Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 03. 2011 17:50

I've got my gunners at level 110 or so, but my last 1-2 support guys I need are only 91 (rest
are 103-105.

Is it worth going to H44 even though it can't cause any damage and is a paper ship and has
a negligible range advantage, or should I continue to be dominated by BB5's in BB4 and under?

Or should I just work on another nation because they are never going to fix H44/KM problems?

  • Re : Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 11. 2011 14:37

"Am I the only one who thinks that H44 is a great ship?
The range advantage and AA are significant.
And the argument H44 is a paper ship is just stupid. She can take as much damage
as Monty
or SY. She's just easier to hit that's all.
The damage output is low, that's true. It's between 25-35k for a good hit.
But the difference between the 16.5" and 18" guns are minor and that the 18" guns
do lesser
damage than the 16.5" guns is just wrong! Spread and range are the same."

Lol at all of that basically.

  • Re : Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 11. 2011 09:19

16,5" for girly like me ;)

  • Re : Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 11. 2011 08:09

Its all about the motion of the ocean

  • Re : Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 10. 2011 20:43

18" guns have longer reload
can go from 40k full salvo to 15k full salvo on unarmored targets.
6.5" of UK deck are good enough to bounce them.
they are heavier (less room for bulge)

With all that said, real men use 18s. Richard is not.

  • Re : Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 08. 2011 23:08


Take the same damage than a Monty?

Hell an H44 can take as much damage as a QV.

Too bad you'll run at 3knots OH with all that useless armor.

  • Re : Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 08. 2011 08:46

Am I the only one who thinks that H44 is a great ship?
The range advantage and AA are significant.
And the argument H44 is a paper ship is just stupid. She can take as much damage as Monty
or SY. She's just easier to hit that's all.
The damage output is low, that's true. It's between 25-35k for a good hit.
But the difference between the 16.5" and 18" guns are minor and that the 18" guns do lesser
damage than the 16.5" guns is just wrong! Spread and range are the same.

Learn to play her right then you will have a great BB5.
Mostly people who started with UK claim about H44. She can't be played like L2!!!

There is no need for a buff or fix. Uber range AND uber damage will never happen!
Maybe $DE should adjust every BB5 to have same range, speed, damage and DP.
But then I wouldn't play this game anymore.

  • Re : Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 08. 2011 06:29

I have one shot a Monty with the 18s on the H44 in the past. Was the first game I was
using the 18s and was excited. Needless to say, excitment turned to disappointment.

And yes that did include a couple of "nice" crits.

  • Re : Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 08. 2011 02:02

I've one shotted an L2 before. >_>;;

Apparently that made my panda bot look too obvious, so I had to remove it.

  • Re : Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 07. 2011 23:30

He certainly land some critic shells. I would be shocked if they were not.

  • Re : Have they fixed H44 yet?

    04. 07. 2011 23:19

The hardest I've ever been hit by an H44 was while it was carrying 18's. I was driving a
Super Yammy. He ALMOST 1 shotted me. And that was a once in a lifetime occurrence.
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