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Soviet Navy


  • Purpose of Soviet SS4

    04. 03. 2011 21:56

I made some tests in the Test Server about Soviet SS4...

And unlike the Soviet BB's I found the Soviet SS4 to be pretty unique and original.

It is not good against BB's and SS's due to low torpedo damage / amount. The
torpedos have a pretty bad hit chance too. I missed 4 torps out of 4 many times...
They passed under the ship without exploding

I think the main purpose of this submarine is flag hunting... Because it has the same
speed of KM SS4 with an extra support slot which gives you the opportunity to use
second engineer... There you go... You have a good OH time... Good Oxygen reserves
underwater... and decent travel speed... This gives you the opportunity to dive in a
strategic point on the game map and reach to the flag much easier than other
sumbarines can.. However you need to be careful about other sumbarines and DD.

I compared mostly KM SS and SN SS
Actually KM SS is better in most values, but strategic value of Soviet Sub makes it
pretty fun to play in my opinion..

Unlike the Soviet BB's the soviet SS4 has a good turning force...

My recommended setup for this sub:

1 BO (High res, rep)
1 Sonarman
1 Planesman
2 Engineers
2 Heavy Torpedo men
2 Gunners (gunners, because this sub has some nice deck guns... it balances the
poor damage and hit rate of the torpedos, and they are excellent for finishing off the
crippled BB's) (You can use 2 reps instead in order to get full SD faster in the future
and very high repair, however I prefer more firepower)

  • Re : Purpose of Soviet SS4

    04. 09. 2011 09:10

i kindof agree with the flag hunting. good idea.

  • Re : Purpose of Soviet SS4

    04. 09. 2011 09:06

soviet ss4 deck guns are excellent.. almost same dps with these guns like km ss4 flak..
only not better aa

  • Re : Purpose of So.viet SS4

    04. 09. 2011 08:51

ive gone with

2 torpmen
1 planesman
1 sonar
2 engies
2 reps

because of the lower rep speed SN is meant to have

  • Re : Purpose of Soviet SS4

    04. 04. 2011 08:23

Both of you are right and wrong.
Fit as many engies as you can, but don't sacrifice nor sonar, nor planesman for an
extra OH time. So in SN SS4's case, use 2 engies + 1 sonar + 1 planes man in
support slots.
BO - as always must be skeleton or at least ghosted, since long guidelines are not
needed for SS (is more SD from BO worth a speed drop? no, that's why you have 2
gun slots for restorers/repairers), sonarman is your eyes.
Now the gun slots, since eventually you will have 900 SD with your SS crew, better
put on 2 repairers, untill 900 SD you can use restorers, but they are useless later on
= not even worth to have restorers.

SN SS4 crew setup:
BO in bridge operator's slot
2x engies in support slots
1x sonarman in support slot
1x planesman in support slot
2x torpers in torp slots
2x reps in gunner slots

  • Re : Purpose of Soviet SS4

    04. 04. 2011 04:40

thanks for tips bro.. your build looks good
second engineer is for more oh
this'll be my second ss

  • Re : Purpose of Soviet SS4

    04. 04. 2011 03:39

2 Engineers are you kidding ???
for what you hit the speed cap with level 90 engner consider using a repairer in stead

"You can use 2 reps instead in order to get full SD faster in the future
and very high repair, however I prefer more firepower"

is this a joke repair doesn't give you as much SD as restore does
so use 1 restore and 1 gunner
My recommended setup for this sub:

1 BO (abilty doesn't matter really) cos most of us ghost our Bo or keep it low
1 Sonarman
1 Planesman
1 Restorer
1 Engineer
2 Heavy Torpedo men
1 Repairer
1 Gunners

by the way Konstanza how many SS BO do you have ???
cos SN SS BO isn't my first SS BO but looks like it is your 1ST SS BO

and a little tip for you use torpedo splash instead of direct hit to make better use of
your SS