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  • SS4 BOs be merged in another line

    04. 04. 2011 21:28

I have played IJN SS consistently for two years. Now, my crew is becoming too big for the
boat and my BO is level 103. I would dearly love to not have to use a BO reset to make
the BO useable for anything but premium ships. It truly would be nice (if you don't build
SS5's) to allow the SS line to merge with either the BB or CV lines.

I know most players will never have this problem, but to get to this level with the BO,
I'm not going to be stupid BB or CV player and the change should be relatively easy to do.
Thanks for considering this.

  • Re : SS4 BOs be merged in another line

    04. 05. 2011 16:42

I have played IJN CV consistently for two years. Now, my crew is becoming too big for the
boat and my BO is level 120. I would dearly love to not have to use a BO reset to make
the BO useable for anything but premium ships. It truly would be nice (if you don't build
CV7's) to allow the CV line to merge with either the SS or BB lines.

I know most players will never have this problem, but to get to this level with the BO,
I'm not going to be stupid SS or BB player and the change should be relatively easy to do.
Thanks for considering this.

  • Re : SS4 BOs be merged in another line

    04. 05. 2011 10:02

Not recommended at all.

A sub BO should have 1 sailor on it at best, so whether it's lvl 20 or lvl 120, it should
weigh the same.
If your other sailors weigh too much, that's a sailor problem, not a BO problem.

  • Re : SS4 BOs be merged in another line

    04. 05. 2011 09:54

Make another BO like everyone else in NF who isnt complaining.

"hurr dur i got nebby but i also wanted a midway can i merge those lines too?"

  • Re : SS4 BOs be merged in another line

    04. 05. 2011 02:47

theres no point, gunners of a sub is probably gonna be crap since you don't use them much
so they will have little experts and you'll probably only have one gunner. and dont try cv
cos i doubt you have any pilots atm

  • Re : SS4 BOs be merged in another line

    04. 04. 2011 23:00

I really think that tier 5 and 6 SS need to be added. However tier 4 subs need a massive
nerf in Defense points if this is ever plausible