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  • Mature Language Filter

    04. 06. 2011 14:37

You know, the entire point of having a mature language filter is to block the incomming
mature text so that the possibly young players, who honestly shouldnt be playing this
game, dont read it - that is it's soul purpose. As for me, I am somebody who 'swears' or
'cusses' regularly, day in and day out, and have been for over 7 years now.
Just today I received a 10 minute ban because my 200 wpm prevents me from reading
the incomming text while I am typing, and was caught cussing by 2 moderators in one
game twice.
In my honest opinion, let the freaking MLF do what it was meant to do and block the
incomming 'terrible and wrong' text that you try so hard to prevent and start working
on the real issues like game crashes, torpedos OP, or overpowered, in blitz matches, BB
in blitz that can shoot like a level 120 ebve BB player (spot-on aim, almost no spread at
all), and let the MLF do its job.

  • Re : Mature Language Filter

    04. 07. 2011 09:57

This needs to be a suggestion. Sorry.

  • Re : Mature Language Filter

    04. 06. 2011 21:17

Yeah this has been suggested before. But honestyly... I dont see the need for a
filter in the first place. People can handle "bad" language. Also, there is no reason to
worry about filtering language... since you technically have to be 18 to play, which
means you are mature enough to handle online activities.... Yet there is a filter...

I would just simply like to see an option to turn off the filter in game settings.
Because as unholy said... it is actually easy as hell to bypass the filter... if you know
what to do that is..

But on another note... about your topic... is this actually just a rant? i read it after
responding... and it seems like a rant because you got banned...

  • Re : Mature Language Filter

    04. 06. 2011 20:37

The NF filter can be bypassed very easily... Like I can actually say "shit" in game
without it beinig filtered.

  • Re : Mature Language Filter

    04. 06. 2011 20:09

Your 200 wpm probably has terrible spelling and you were probably bypassing filter

Your ten minute ban is NOTHING

>call someone a moron
>seven day ban

  • Re : Mature Language Filter

    04. 06. 2011 15:50

Not saying it cant happen because "ss" gets filtered If in conjunction with other words but generally the filter only
filters bad words...if you were caught twice then you probably did say something. Mods are human too...but we still
enforce the rules. Most people can tell when you use a bad word or a word that is filtered by random
careful how you type and think before you speak. The human brain is a computer that we still haven't figured out filter in the world.

  • Re : Mature Language Filter

    04. 06. 2011 15:33

Mods did their jobs. They have no way of changing anything in game, they are there
to moderate. Moderator, moderate. Do you see it yet?

  • Re : Mature Language Filter

    04. 06. 2011 15:27

I tend to cuss a lot too, I wish we had an option to turn it off so I can see what others
are saying.

I don't understand why you get in trouble for cussing if the language filter blocks it.
Though sometimes I got accused of bypassing the filter when it was just an
unintentional typo. It's not like you can neatly type out your messages in the heat of

And I don't cuss towards people, only at the general state of things, such as getting
dive bombed, hit by 4 salvos all at once, and losing 5 officers and 100 experts in the
process :P

  • Re : Mature Language Filter

    04. 06. 2011 14:59

Suggested before, but so worth it I'm recommending.