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  • Autobalance broken

    04. 06. 2011 17:49

AB is broken, it keeps putting me on fail team 50 times in a row, plz fix

  • Re : Autobalance broken

    04. 07. 2011 04:01

Some days you'll hit nothing but bad teams and other days, it will be all wins and
you won't think of it as much because it doesn't bother you. If you are doing your
part then you are going to pick up skills/experience that lazy people won't. In the
end you'll be a better player. You can AA and absorb as many torps as you want
but it's also important to know who is worth defending/sacrificing for. That's part
of the learning process - HINT: It's not always the highest level / BB5 player.

  • Re : Autobalance broken

    04. 06. 2011 19:30

Oh, trust me, I try very hard to help the team, I'll eat sub torps if it means saving a
bigger ship, sadly, since AB always puts me on a team with noob BBs, they're too stupid
to use my sacrifice and just act like the sub isn't even there and get sunk for it.

I don't know, what can I do? I'm in a CA, What can I do to make a difference? I want to
know how to be a bigger help. I shoot as many planes as possible, I try to
lessen damage from dive bombers but none of that means squat if they fail so hard
they're getting completely owned by BB3s. I run out in front of a damaged BB and try to
draw fire off them, doesn't always work.

There's nothing I can do to overcome the amount of fail I see on one team, it wouldn't
matter if i was god-like at this game, not unless I was in a kaiser or something

  • Re : Autobalance broken

    04. 06. 2011 18:44

"AB is broken, it keeps putting me on fail team 50 times"
LOL well, I could say that - everytime, the team is different. The only constant on
the losing teams you have been on is YOU ;)
And yes well you could shoot one ship and die but of course that would be less
experience/credits. But the main problem would be, once you become a capital
ship, then you'll likely be one of main factors causing your team to lose. All those
leechers whether it be Bltz or GB end up in a higher tier ship later have no idea
what to do because the whole time they thought the only thing holding them back
was the size of their ship. Sit in a blitz and there's a lot of talk about "when I get
my CA I'll get you " etc but because they don't change the way they play, fail just
as bad and cost their team since they are more heavily relied upon.
When I sink a BB in Blitz with a NDD/FF: 1) player calls me noob. 2) they ask what
they are doing wrong. Guess which one occurs?

Win or lose - play, learn, and seek advice - you'll be better for it in the end.

  • Re : Autobalance broken

    04. 06. 2011 18:10

I find that getting 12000 plane credit and doing 30,000 damage and scouting in moltke
is just as likely to get you a win as swimming in circles at the spawn point, so why
bother trying? Just shoot a scout then crash into the border and watch TV

  • Re : Autobalance broken

    04. 06. 2011 17:53

Lulz. I'd like to believe this, but when you constantly play either good or bad and
lose... there's nothing else to blame.

  • Re : Autobalance broken

    04. 06. 2011 17:52

It is? I hadnt noticed over the past few years of fail... Oh wait.