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  • Great Battle 3

    04. 08. 2011 00:32

The problem with GB and GB2 is that these games are unfriendly for lower level players.
High tier battleships hog kills (kill all the DD, Cl and CA early in the game and rush the
surivors of the losing team in the late phase of the game). Also High tier battleship tend
to one shoot smaller battleships (depending on how many shells hit). Another troubling
thing is that fighter-whores using PCA and 5th tier carriers spam 4th tier fighters. Most
DD and CL players play blitz so Battleships have a lot worry about submarines and the lack
of adequate ASW support

Select Rooms and Normal rooms don't provide the XP or for lower level players to progress
enough. Also Blitz battles have a maximum level cap of 60, which means most low tier
battleship and carriers players going have to face much strongers players and depend
largely on XP leaching until they are at least 3 tier Battleships and have 3 tier fighters.

How about create a 3 third mode for great battle (gameplay style can be either GB1 stlye
(no flags) or GB2 style), but with a BO level cap of 85

  • Re : Great Battle 3

    04. 08. 2011 06:57

Buff blizz max lvl to 70.

  • Re : Great Battle 3

    04. 08. 2011 06:25

"Select Rooms and Normal rooms don't provide the XP or for lower level players to progress

Frankly this is just another one of those threads, I want my massive GBII shared xp in a
blitz environment.

  • Re : Great Battle 3

    04. 08. 2011 06:01

Well problem for GB is very few DD players actually be able to perform their ASW duties as
the large Battleships one shoot them anyway

  • Re : Great Battle 3

    04. 08. 2011 04:38

GB is not so bad if you know your place.
All DD can be great SS hunters( my record is 2 subs sunk only by me)
CL-to BB1- AA. It may be boring to grind 30lvls only as AA ship but its better than doing
+BB1- well BB1 really need some long range weapons like 1 barrels that have the range of
real BBs
and there to be diferent class for BB 1-2 so they are no mach for any of bigger BB's

  • Re : Great Battle 3

    04. 08. 2011 02:51

I am a minority in NF in that I tend to use auto and have had numerous unhappy
forays in GB rooms both because of my use of auto (the game lacks of support for it
IE aaa, and longer range for manual) and the difficulty leveling and/or making a
meaningful contribution as you are doing it.

That said, while I have believed for a long time that the game needs some middle
step between the two (blitz and GB) my concern is for the splitting up of the
shrinking online player population still again.

The issue is twofold really. First I believe that a top cap only would hurt blitz room
populations significantly, while a top + bottom cap has been suggested before with
little support. Second, stealing away teir 1 & 2 & 3 BBs and CVs from GB rooms
would severely depopulate GB rooms as well as making life/experience earning much
harder for anyone above such a cap limit.

If the waiting time or numbers for rooms gets worse than it is, I believe it may really
hurt the game. This I guess is why these type of suggestions never get acted upon.
Their is a finite limit of how many people play at any given time and that number has
been falling, not rising.

I'd like to see further discussion on this issue and a solution arrived at, but I don't
believe the suggestion as put forward is a real solution right now... Sorry

  • Re : Great Battle 3

    04. 08. 2011 00:36

Great Blitz II

Just like Blitz, but without the level cap. Only a ship cap.