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  • Grouping Sailors in HQ

    04. 10. 2011 18:17

Hey guys,

I know that atleast one time or next you have looked for that last sailor in your messy hq
and you have to look through every page to find it. Why cant we group sailors in hq. Like
assign '1' to a bb crew '2' to a sub crew, and whenever you withdraw one or put one in, all of
thoes sailors follow. This would save a lot time and reduce the clutter. Feel free to let me
know what u think.

  • Re : Grouping Sailors in HQ

    04. 10. 2011 20:19

I think this is a good idea. There are a lot of other important things that they are
working on first but this should make the list.

  • Re : Grouping Sailors in HQ

    04. 10. 2011 19:35

I think this would be a good idea, but they would need to up the limit from 12 sailors at
a time to at least 14 to fit a full bb6 crew in.

But as of now, I have each page of HQ designated to a different nation and put sailors
into the HQ on the bb5's to ease putting them in and out. But it would be nice to have
that ship space back for sailors since my 7th page is filling up.

I can fit a bb6 crew with bb5 and ss crew minus bo on one page, and leave the ss bo out to
access that harbor if needed.