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  • Bring back good exp/credits on BB/CA and GB1

    04. 11. 2011 09:16

Even after server merge, sometimes we have to wait for several minutes in battlerooms
because lack of cv's (I won't even mention retarded afk hosts). Today I spend more
time in rooms than in battle.

Because of SDE decisions GB1 and BB/CA aren't played now only because they are
nerfed compared to GB2.

I don't understand why they reduced exp in yellow rooms and encouraged crappy GB2 (
I mean crappy because often only 1-2 cv's each side).

So my proposal is to bring back profitable and enjoyable GB1 and BB/CA. Give players a
freedom to decide if they want to play in GB or BB only enviroment - without all those
crap like subs and cv's (no more "noob cv" messages) ;).


  • Re : Bring back good exp/credits on BB/CA and GB1

    04. 11. 2011 14:49

I agree with you Blazer, though, I must admit, GB2 does make lvling a new crew
easier. ;)

  • Re : Bring back good exp/credits on BB/CA and GB1

    04. 11. 2011 13:42

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but exp/credits was never touched on GB1 rooms, it
is just dramatically higher xp in GB2. And frankly credits is higher on GB1 than GB2, so
little lost on this point.

BB/CA rooms are not shared xp. If you really want to see what rooms people really want to
play make every room earned xp, and people will play what they want, as opposed to what
gives the best xp.