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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Asama as TW

    04. 16. 2011 14:56

Tried looking through forums and the posts are a bit old regarding asama..

I have an SS4, but would like to try a torp ship similar to the kita and it looks like the
Asama may be a good fit. Can the Asama be an effective or even a decent TW?

thanks in advance.

  • Re : Asama as TW

    05. 09. 2011 09:26

Asama as asw is kinda nice and even give good results(whit 1 ff-dd escort).to bad regular
hh are expensive

  • Re : Asama as TW

    05. 05. 2011 06:50

Stop leeching with CA!!!

  • Re : Asama as TW

    05. 04. 2011 23:06

Yes good for leeching.

  • Re : Asama as TW

    05. 04. 2011 22:37

when i used asama as tw i mostly just trained my support crews even though it has
only one shot per side its pretty decent for exp.

  • Re : Asama as TW

    04. 30. 2011 16:29

Because 9 out of 10 times TW PCAs do nothing but give free attack to the other team. I
very much do not like selfishness in a team enviroment.

  • Re : Asama as TW

    04. 30. 2011 02:59

if you know the exact location to torp, if you have high lvl engineers, you won't
regret to use asama as tw. i don't say asama is a tw ship. i say you can use it as a
tw if you have 18k torps. While there is so many bb's witout scouts, backseat bb's
while there is vision(then they cry when they are blind) you can not blame a asama
for a loss of game. anything may happen during the game. You can kill a ss and that
may help your team.
You can mount hedgehog on it and you can hunt the ss. I gave an advice from my
experiences and i don't understand why you gave a sharp answer V2

  • Re : Asama as TW

    04. 29. 2011 14:09

Using Asama as a tw is retarded romantic8236. Sure maybe you can pull off the occasional
good game but in the end you are giving too much for it. The beauty of Kita is that even
in an average 20-30k game you are dishing out atleast 2-3 times more damage then you take.
Doing more damage then you take should be the goal for any attack oriented ship. Taking
more damage then you can deal in damage only means your are selfishly contributing to the

  • Re : Asama as TW

    04. 28. 2011 20:34

Asama is good with AA only.

  • Re : Asama as TW

    04. 28. 2011 08:45

Why do you think like that? If you can come closer to enemy line. you can do 60k
attack with asama.
If it can kill a ss or a tw, even dd,ff it helps alot to your team. 18k torps. it burns to
where it touches.

  • Re : Asama as TW

    04. 19. 2011 08:34

Can the Asama be an effective or even a decent TW?....No
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