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  • Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    04. 18. 2011 05:12

What would everyones thoughts be on a cap of 6 maximum planes loaded on each

I personally think it would improve CV gameplay, encourage levelling more pilots (not
just 4) and generally improve air coverage.

The amount of players spamming 9 fighters or bombers on one pilot in a CV4 +, with
their team dead by the time they are launched is frustrating.


  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 20. 2011 03:57

"I think the idea is good, but unnecessary.

I run CVs and I very, very rarely lift more than 6 planes per pilot. Takes just too
long, when I can just do 3+3 or 2+2+2 and get the same result quicker.

But then, my #1 pilot is an Ace at L115 and I do use that pilot for larger squadrons
when going up against large enemy fighters groups.

So, I don't think there should be any restrictions. Let the CV player learn on his
own, adjusting to the dynamics of the game."

>>> GB is shared exp. The amount of times I see CV's load 7/8/9 fighters/bombers on
one pilot is stupid. Count the amount of times in GB. It ruins games for so many people
because your team ends up dead before they load.

GB is shared exp, so there should be restrictions. Just like there are restrictions on BB

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 19. 2011 19:54

This is to deter the people who do so at cost to their team

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 19. 2011 19:43

I think the idea is good, but unnecessary.

I run CVs and I very, very rarely lift more than 6 planes per pilot. Takes just too
long, when I can just do 3+3 or 2+2+2 and get the same result quicker.

But then, my #1 pilot is an Ace at L115 and I do use that pilot for larger squadrons
when going up against large enemy fighters groups.

So, I don't think there should be any restrictions. Let the CV player learn on his
own, adjusting to the dynamics of the game.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 19. 2011 14:15

Only in GBs, let people do what ever they want in normal rooms and HAs.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 19. 2011 04:22

whukid, you have no idea what you are talking about. You obviously are butthurt for some
reason and are following my posts around lol.

BB's can't put low calibre guns on the main slots because it is detrimental to their team.

CV's shouldn't be able to leave the port with less than 4 pilots and shouldn't be able to load
more than 6 planes on one pilots.

Please, tell me how that would be detrimental to a player.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 19. 2011 04:01

How does this make the game more BB orientated?

Do you like sitting there in ANY ship watching someone launch ELEVEN DBs on ONE pilot from
a PCV?

Do you know what that means for the team? In that time, he could have launched (with 4
pilots) double the amount of planes in the same time or with 6 pilots nearly tripple.

If you think there aren't any things in this game that people can do when they shouldn't
be allowed, then I fear for you... Ruining a whole team's chance of winning a game
because you are so stupid to BW on 1 pilot all the time shouldn't be allowed.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 18. 2011 20:30

LJ, why do you keep trying to limit the gameplay in NF? Just play the game without
trying to make it even MORE BB oriented.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 18. 2011 18:30

Bumping it up for you lukas.

  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 02. 2011 07:01


  • Re : Cap to the Maximum amount of planes loaded per pilot

    05. 02. 2011 05:23

NF doesn't deal with roundings and % that well. On top of that, it would be unfair on lower
CV's. A better option would be my suggestion of a cap of 6.
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