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  • allow SS into blitz

    04. 19. 2011 05:14

SS1 and SS2 cant compete particularly well in GB2, if they dive too early, if they dive
too late, they risk being one shotted by a badass BB5/6. Then usually, they dont make it
to the line, and usually get blasted by some SS4 or some HH DD. in blitz they wont be that
dominant, because even submerged, they would usually be visible because there are loads of
DD's /FFs, and they would probs still be vulnerable to stuffl like torps and HH's

  • Re : allow SS into blitz

    04. 19. 2011 16:36

In the current state of blitz, no. If hobbit wars gets removed, then it would be good.
And no to the ss2s, they can stay under for too long and that wouldnt work in a
game where few ships have any ASW at all. Besides they can do their share of
damage in a GB2 if they play it right.

  • Re : allow SS into blitz

    04. 19. 2011 16:33

like BB1, SS1 should be included to Blitz..

it would add more fun.. anyway there are lots of DD and CL and FF .. so it will be like
hell for subs anyway... give them a chance in blitz...

totally agree with this..


  • Re : allow SS into blitz

    04. 19. 2011 15:34

might help with low lvl players learning subs and others learning ASW I see no
negative here really

  • Re : allow SS into blitz

    04. 19. 2011 15:16

>sub dives
>blitztards spams torps at it
>sub dies because he has to sit at crit dive the whole game

  • Re : allow SS into blitz

    04. 19. 2011 14:04

SS1's? Maybe

2's? Lol no.

However, that should only happen if it wasn't hobbit wars.

  • Re : allow SS into blitz

    04. 19. 2011 13:16

SS1's are great countermeasures for subs. Let the fictory ss rush your line then drop
in on it when it's not paying attention. And all that would be changed is players
would accidently torp the poor ss1-2 as it gets caught up in the massive TW fest of
modern day blitz.

  • Re : allow SS into blitz

    04. 19. 2011 06:42

or you could try doing what subs are meant to do. Rather than charging across no-
mans-land like the Light Brigade, try hanging back and waiting for your chance to
come out of nowhere and sink some unsuspecting straggler. It worked for the real
subs and it works in every other naval combat game out there. I'd be willing to bet
that it would work here too.

On the other hand, if you want to take a submarine into a tiny room full of ff's, dd's,
and CL's... Why not? You might last a few seconds if you're lucky.

  • Re : allow SS into blitz

    04. 19. 2011 05:36

More targets in blitz are always welcome.