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  • Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 19. 2011 14:34

I have not played NF in about to 8 months. Is there an issue with this HS? I come
backand see all these posts about HS. Plz advise.

  • Re : Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 20. 2011 05:53

Nope, $DEs HackerTool is still there screwing up computers and lowering their defenses to hacker and virus attacks,
while doing SFA to stop anyone exploiting this error ridden pile of crap code called a game.


  • Re : Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 19. 2011 22:13

What issue?

  • Re : Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 19. 2011 22:08

I miss this fun game. Hope it not lag. That all for now.

  • Re : Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 19. 2011 21:26

I'm randomly crashing a lot today, not noticing any memory usage outside the normal amount.

  • Re : Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 19. 2011 21:10

Server ip addresses are wrong causing lag issues.
NF now uses more memory post SN release.

SDE response.

  • Re : Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 19. 2011 16:39

The probles is not in HS itself (atleast for one that not left or have only porno on
computer) but the constant lag it generate for no reason

  • Re : Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 19. 2011 15:31

have had no issue with HS

  • Re : Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 19. 2011 15:30

LOL look at the Tech support section
But all is not lost you can come join a bunch of us on Vangaurd server NFEU

  • Re : Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 19. 2011 14:58

Thanks for the update. I was reading through the forums and there seems to be a
lot of pissed off people.

  • Re : Is the Hackshield issue been corrected or is there one?

    04. 19. 2011 14:51

I came back a week ago from a fresh install.

I notice a bit more lag, and have to exit the game after around 2 hours. Lag gets too bad
to play.

Almost seems like there is a memory leak now.
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