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  • account reset?

    04. 19. 2011 20:30

Why is it that every time i stop playing navy field and i pick it back up at a later time my
account seems to have been reset? twice now ive played up until that one good
german destroyer (i cant remember the name of it at this second) and then i usually
stop playing because of life or some other reason. But when i come back and log on i
have nothing and its like i've started a new account?

  • Re : account reset?

    04. 20. 2011 01:03

If you have not set up a second password then this will guide you through it:

If you have locked it out then you can reset it on the website using your registered email
address. Left-hand menu under Account.

  • Re : account reset?

    04. 19. 2011 23:46

where do i find my secondary password?

  • Re : account reset?

    04. 19. 2011 22:58

ya. while in game, you will see, in the upper right hand corner of harbor, tabs that say
item, trade, HQ--click on HQ and it will prompt you to enter your secondary password.
enter that and your crew will be inside.

  • Re : account reset?

    04. 19. 2011 22:15


  • Re : account reset?

    04. 19. 2011 21:05

dont forget about your HQ! I hadn't played in a couple years and freaked out for a
minute.. sure enough, they had been placed safely inside the HQ :D

  • Re : account reset?

    04. 19. 2011 20:49

alright i'll give that a shot, thanks

  • Re : account reset?

    04. 19. 2011 20:37

First, please check if you are entering the correct server. You can see where the servers
went after the merge in the login screen.

Iowa + Yamato = Nebraska
Nelson + Bismarck = Kaiser

If you are on the correct server and your ships are still not there, then probably they
were sent to storage. Please send a Support Ticket so they can restore your account.