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  • Allow for Scouts not to follow planes they see.

    04. 20. 2011 13:14

They need to set it so that the scouts cannot go chasing other planes. I don't need my
level 100 scout going after a batch of fighters?..

Allow for 120 scouts only to follow and fight.

  • Re : Allow for Scouts not to follow planes they see.

    04. 20. 2011 19:13

Most CV players will not be able to shoot down a scout that dosnt chase and instead just
circles. Just watch how xome people cannot kill scouts/fighters when they are CODing with
another plane.

  • Re : Allow for Scouts not to follow planes they see.

    04. 20. 2011 13:36

Currently, Sight Range = Attack Range for planes.

This needs to be changed; There needs to be a different stat for both values.