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  • Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 20. 2011 17:05

This is kinda random, but I did some calculations...

I have a B.O. with 160 people, weighing in at 84 tons.

Convert to pounds (84 x 2000) = 168000 pounds

divide by number of people (168k / 160) = 1050

My sailors weigh 1050 pounds a piece...

That's it, no more trips to David's Catfish House for my guys...

  • Re : Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 21. 2011 15:53

Maybe the 800 lb relates to the equipment that the sailors use as well? (SMG, tools, etc
could easily add up to 800 lb

  • Re : Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 21. 2011 15:22

Now in NF Store -- JennyCraig Diet Kit

  • Re : Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 21. 2011 15:14

For the record I'm not trying to say it should be changed, I just find it funny really.

  • Re : Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 20. 2011 22:25

All that aside, with each sailor weighing 1,050 pounds, and with warships' corridors
and passageways rather narrow, you'd imagine all the crewmembers getting stuck
against the bulkheads.

Now you know why ships go AFK at spawn point. Because they're all busy trying to
get past each other, or free themselves from the jam, on the way to their stations.

  • Re : Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 20. 2011 21:34

I look at it this way.. the weight may sound high.. but if you consider food that is
stored on board per sailor, the additional weight of fuel, luggage.. now i've always
found it kind of funny myself, but I dont know what a *realistic* number would really be

  • Re : Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 20. 2011 19:50

I'd like to know what navy even allows a sailor to bring 800 pounds of his own food and
belongings. It wasn't a pleasure cruise.

I wouldn't mind crew weight being nerfed. Provisions should already be included in the ship's
weight. After all, this is NavyFIELD. I'm sure they all grab a snack after being sunk.

  • Re : Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 20. 2011 18:25

Thats probably more sensible, lets say sailor weighs 200lbs and has 800lbs luggage/food...
but thats even more of a submarine crew weight :)

  • Re : Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 20. 2011 17:41

it would be more realistic for those numbers to include the acutal person's weight
and his belongings/supplies

  • Re : Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 20. 2011 17:10

Yeesh...try feeding that number of people @_@

  • Re : Crazy Sailor weight

    04. 20. 2011 17:08

If sailors were anything to go buy though, NONE of these battleships would have
been crewable in WWII. I've not paid attention in a long time, but I'd imagine a BB4
here has at least 6k sailors.