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  • Fewer barrels, better accuracy?

    04. 20. 2011 18:33

At-level singles are horrible. They do awful DPS, and have a spread that's just as bad
as the equivalent multibarreled cannons, but fewer shells. The only redeeming factor is
that they can punch through armor more easily than lower caliber multi-barrels.

So you have fewer guns, and they shoot slowly, shouldn't they have a bonus to
accuracy to make them viable at the longer ranges they're intended for?

Trust me, 3 shells per salvo + shotgun spread is extremely frustrating.

  • Re : Fewer barrels, better accuracy?

    04. 23. 2011 00:28

Also it is not just the gun that effects the accuracy. It is also if you BVE the sailor,
if the sailor is an elite, and what FCS you are using. FCS matters a lot more than most
things too.

Therefore this thread isnt really needed since you dont realise how accuracy is formed in
this game. Might be more of a general discussion thread that dies in a few days.

  • Re : Fewer barrels, better accuracy?

    04. 22. 2011 22:48

Soviet single 7.1"s are pretty good with a 3.2 second reload.

  • Re : Fewer barrels, better accuracy?

    04. 22. 2011 14:09

I've used 6" singles on a Fletcher with L60 stripped down gunners to awesome effect in
blitz. No one expected a DD to pack that kind of punch. Also, if you notice, the "turrets"
for those guns are round. Thats because they were designed to be used as a secondary
armament in barrbets on battleships, not as primary weapons.

In short, these guns are a nice tool to have in your kit for the right place/time. There
is nothing wrong with them.

  • Re : Fewer barrels, better accuracy?

    04. 22. 2011 06:25

I think is RN 18 Single

  • Re : Fewer barrels, better accuracy?

    04. 21. 2011 15:56


There ya go

  • Re : Fewer barrels, better accuracy?

    04. 21. 2011 08:38

It really depends on the gun. US single 7" are great, and KM single 11" are legendary.
But the UK single 9" and single 18", yes, they're quite inaccurate.

  • Re : Fewer barrels, better accuracy?

    04. 21. 2011 04:12

then use the lower caliber

  • Re : Fewer barrels, better accuracy?

    04. 20. 2011 19:27

I don't know, any of them. They all seem a bad choice in general if you can fit duals
instead. I've tried them on different nations, and they really disappoint. I'm lucky to get
4k attack with them, whereas I can get 20k using duals or trips of a lower caliber

  • Re : Fewer barrels, better accuracy?

    04. 20. 2011 19:06

um what ship nation and guns are you useing?