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  • Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 23. 2011 12:17

Can NF consider remove this macro messages, I have seen many of these macros,

1. WTS WTB ...... (should be in trade channel)
2. ....LOADING...... (we know that, made famous by petersen63 or 64)
3. others are just political msgs or nonsensical things..

Can NF remove this function if this will help the game run smoothly? Thank you

  • Re : Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 26. 2011 13:25

i have a idea why not just make macros impossible to use during the loading screen?

  • Re : Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 26. 2011 01:55

Actually, the use of macros isn't causing the "Loading" screen. The loading screen is
caused when a player(s) crashes either before, during, or after countdown. The
game won't start until their ship "drops."

  • Re : Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 24. 2011 04:30

Then shall we punish abusers like petersen63 or 64 I cant remember. We waited 8 mins
to start and he hanged the whole game!

  • Re : Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 24. 2011 00:03

Yeah SDE can't filter out what player's type in the macro system. It's just simply
abused... But one thing about the macro's... I don't think they should be disabled in
the wait area...

I would like to think that enableing macro's in the wait area would lessen the
ammount of WTB/WTS/WTT adds (or clan adds) that are displayed in battle... but
that's hopeful thinking.... I say hell... bring back the macro's in the wait area...
because they are still displayed in game... and the attempt at getting rid of them
FAILED. So there is no reason to punish the players who want to have a non trade
macro displayed in the wait area...

  • Re : Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 23. 2011 14:51

Its fun because it lets me make sure everyone in the room knows that i win more
than charlie sheen.

Im reccomending this post for rocketeers suggestion.

  • Re : Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 23. 2011 14:41

I suggest we bring dancing back.

Does that help.

  • Re : Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 23. 2011 13:59

Needs to be where if you say the same macro or key combo over 2x in 5 seconds, 2 min mute.

Also, we need a suggestion to bring the dancing back.

  • Re : Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 23. 2011 13:56

"Out of interest, what are macro's good for?"

Entertainment while our Flagship crashes, what else? They already removed our
ability to dance at least let us keep something silly and fun.

  • Re : Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 23. 2011 13:08

Out of interest, what are macro's good for?

  • Re : Useless and Hanging Macross during battleloading

    04. 23. 2011 12:50

doubt they will get rid of macros bud, macros are good for somethings but alot of ppl
abuse it, even when they know they are not suppose to do it