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  • AFK host could it work?

    04. 28. 2011 15:03

This looks like a possible fix to afk host.

NF already kicks players who are AFK in battle why not the same for "Hosts"?

You move "Hosting" power to the next person in the room when the original host dose not
"type" or move there ship around after 1 or 2 min. After 2 min the "hosting" power moves
to the next in line.

Host really should be made to "prove" his not afk. You have a room of 40 online players
and to just go afk (for what ever reason) is not cool. There are so many afk host now and
for "BB" players more than any other, half an hour or more trying to get just 1 game in.

Anyways hope this idea can go somewhere and become a reality real so. This shouldn't be a
hard fix.


  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    05. 03. 2011 21:33

Today I was just in a room where 6BBs and the Flag crashed upon entering the room. I was
in another room hosted by a fleetmate that crashed and 45 people wasted their time. I
crashed either in the lobby or during a game SEVEN consecutive times today. Three other
times today the opposing teams flag crashed upon entering the battle. Why bother with a
code that forces me to click a box every 30 seconds when NF can't even keep the hosts
alive on the server? The problem is very much related. They need to fix current content
before adding more. Its no offense to your idea, but I just think that it won't fix the

  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 29. 2011 22:41

@ Lion

If a host is AFK or crashed all +30 players have to make a new room right?

And as i said in the begining host should lose there hosting power after 1 min of being "afk"

Please read my first post about that.

Im hear posting this suggestion to save players from having to go to a new room and wait
+20 min before they get 1 game. You understand that right?

Weather a host crashes, gose afk, computer blows up, i dont care what happens he should
lose his hosting power when the AFK clock runs out.

  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 29. 2011 16:42

I am directly on topic. You asked what the bigger problem was and you missed it. How do
you know what hosts are AFK and what ones are crashed? Hosts that crashed don't just drop
off the screen... they sit for a bit. So, yes, it is quite related.

  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 29. 2011 16:27

@ Lion

Could you please stick to the topic. Im not talking about servers/crashing/dropping etc.

Host who go afk have nothing to do with this.

The issue at hand is this. When a host is AFK, for what ever reason. Weather he crashed or
not. His "power" will be moved to the next person.

Now im willing to discuse this issue about AFK host, but your prior post are a diffrent
issue entirely. And will not be discussed any further.

  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 29. 2011 14:23

Ok coolguy, how does the problem run deeper? Crashing and disconnecting, thats how. Or how
about idiots in the lobby? Have you noticed that pretty much every game from the time the
room is closed to the time the it spawns, people are dropping like flies? Notice how flags
are crashing? Have you read forums where people are complaining about the disconnect
counter being disabled. Or how about threads being deleted because of complaints of
crashing? What does this have to do with the problem? Simple: your hosts are crashing. How
do I know this? Because it has happened to me.

Second problem is idiots. They yell "host" three times in the span of 15-30 seconds, then
yell "all out". I've actually seen hosts try to break in and stop the panic but its too
late and the room is wrecked. Heck, I've even seen some tools yelling host and don't even
seen the off colored text where the host is talking. Its like yelling fire in a movie
theater. You can't fix stupid!

So until SDE fixes the crashes and you find a way to make stupid people smarter, this
problem isn't going to stop. The only solution to this would be to have an auto timer that
at 10 minutes starts the game regardless of who or what is in it. Even then, that would
create a different set of problems.

  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 29. 2011 13:25

I really think if a window pops up every minute (with a 30 second countdown afterwards)
that asks the host if he is here would be fine. I'll grant that it would be a little
annoying, but it would solve the problem with AFK/crashing hosts. If you can't give the
game your undivided attention for 10 minutes you shouldn't be hosting anyway. I
understand that things come up IRL, and a lot of things you think will only take 30
seconds, actually end up taking up more time than you thought. This just prevents your RL
problems from interfering with 27-63 other people time trying to have fun.



  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 29. 2011 11:14

@ Mor_

Yeah i thought about this too and it is a good idea but then i relized a huge issue with
forcing a match to start.

Players jump in and our all the time sometimes -3 BB's or even -4 at a time.

If you get an AFK host and players are jumping in and out of the room you will
have a lot of unevean matches. Which isnt fun to the team who has less BB's or less CV's.

Moving host powers to the next player in line is simple and keeps that from happening.
And theres nothing wrong with moving his power if he is AFK for 1+ min.

This isn't about "kicking host" just moving "hosting power"

It would help BB players who are suffering a lot at the moment just trying to find a room
wait 10 min and lose the room to an AFK host and then must go wait another 10 min for a
new room.

  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 29. 2011 11:07

@ Lionel "The problem runs a lot deeper"

Could you tell us what that is?

This fix would make and "force" host to be responsible. If they crash/dc/gose afk the
power just moves to the next player in line. Nothing wrong with that at all.

Forcing a host to prove hes not afk shouldn't be that hard to add to NF. They already have
it in Battle and "force" retreat any player who is afk.

We simply "force retreat" a host power when after 1 min or so he dose not put something in
chat, move his ship, or have a button he must hit like tab once a min to prove his not afk.

I can see no problems with this.

  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 28. 2011 18:44

is yelling GOOOOO in blitz bannable??? it only happins in blitz for me

  • Re : AFK host could it work?

    04. 28. 2011 18:35

sometimes... if the host isn't expecting a lump of people in from another AFK Host's
game 2-4 minutes after opening the room. or the idiots who shout "GO!" as soon as
there's 16 people in the room (if not before).

"if" there's anything done, it should come into play at the 5 minute mark of the lobby
time, then @ 7th minute, and 9th Minute, then disbands.
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