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  • Exchangable Prem Ships for other Prem stuff

    04. 29. 2011 02:38

I'm pretty sure many of you have unwanted prem ships. I think it should be made
possible to exchange the unwanted prem ship for certain prem items. Probably
should have something like if you got a PCA you can exchange it for something or
get store credit thats about 70% of the original value of the PCA. The simple fact is I
have already used a good sum of money on this game and I don't intend, no way a
snowball's chance in hell, that I am going to use anymore. With this game it is
possible to greatly exceed the cost of any normal game (other games cost $60).

*Edited other game names - Ny*

  • Re : Exchangable Prem Ships for other Prem stuff

    04. 29. 2011 17:54

shoudlve said that last post before everything else.

  • Re : Exchangable Prem Ships for other Prem stuff

    04. 29. 2011 15:30

if you buy something and you didnt get what you wanted, they already do this through
support ticket, if you didn't get what you wanted. Either a refund or different item
combinations for same overall price.

NOT RECC, they already do this request lock

  • Re : Exchangable Prem Ships for other Prem stuff

    04. 29. 2011 11:23

sorry didn't really know about free prem items through events. Event prem stuff should not
be exchangeable. However it should allow bought items to be exchangeable. Are you saying
you wouldnt mind pumping more money in elliot? cause im not willing to.

  • Re : Exchangable Prem Ships for other Prem stuff

    04. 29. 2011 08:15

So your saying when you get a free premium ship in an event, your not grateful that it was
given out for free and you got one. Rather you are upset and wanted a different premium
item and want to make it possible to exchange, no dude be grateful. NF items are really
cheap, no need to exchange spend a little money.