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  • ASW on CV

    04. 29. 2011 09:36

Don't you think using ASW like 16 inch cannon on close combat isn't lame?
(NB: i mean using ASW for impact damage doing same damage than high gun)

I see many players getting one shooted like SS by faster, strong-armored CV with ASW.

This weapon should be restrain for CV and use Escort fleet instead.

  • Re : ASW on CV

    04. 30. 2011 00:30

>Use Midway
>Put x2 3" D
>Wait for sub to come up
>Sit on top of them and broadside

  • Re : ASW on CV

    04. 29. 2011 14:27

LOL look at my SS kills. I'm not afraid of them at all. Take away my HH and I'm just
another fat target. You obviously have little or no CV experience in GB2 in a CV. Most of
the ASW and AA ships are up on the line, where they belong. In the back its just a few CVs
by themselves.

Frankly, I don't like the idea of you telling me what I can or can't mount on my ship. Its
my CV. I work for it. If you don't like my sinking you with HH, then stay clear and go
after a different fat easy target.

  • Re : ASW on CV

    04. 29. 2011 12:53


I agree that surface damage from HH's is wrong, but don't complain about them being on
CV's. You're putting your crosshairs on the wrong target is all I'm saying.


  • Re : ASW on CV

    04. 29. 2011 11:30

I don't question the HH and underwater damage from ASW, but the use of ASW like HE shell,
you must not have miss that ASW make strong damage at close range.( enough to wipe 15k + DP)
I don't mind seing SS sinked by FF with HH/ASW or 100 BB6 launching ASW, but seing SS, FF,
DD who get closer CV killed like BB salve, it's ridiculous.

SS4(vetéran player) got high engineer ofen, then they can match BB, CV speed more than
other (Engineer 80+ on SS1-3 is pretty rare).
(On the BB cap speed thread I highlighted the fact crew engine was unbalancing the game).

I add one more argument for you, Who is ofen last alive in GB2? .... CV u can make at
least something before sinking some bombing, torping, dogfight. Your live doesn't stealth
like SS.
And there is more and more FF-DD Escort or player chasing/detecting SS then you are well
protected if team work (i m proud of my word joke).
CV can wear HH or ASW but any high impact damage only still underwater damage).

If anyone accept giving up advantage the game will never be balance (SS have give up
infinite air and their NORMAL speed match the air supply) (BB are the most gifted they are
too accurate in far shoot from reality)

NB Escort: I was using the term on general meaning: another player it's an online game, CV
hide back BB to avoid other BB,so some FF-DD do their job pretty well. At least u can
have sonar on your AA Automated Escort.

  • Re : ASW on CV

    04. 29. 2011 11:21

Back to your originall suggestion, how do I get my escort fleet to use asw weapons?

  • Re : ASW on CV

    04. 29. 2011 11:10

my cv6 eat SSs
255 bulge + 0.6belt + arround 780SD + PHH

  • Re : ASW on CV

    04. 29. 2011 10:47

High turning force?!?!?! When is the last time you tried to turn a malta project, or a
europa? If you think CV's should be fast (I assume you mean adding engies) then you are
apparently the same person that likes to load 10 planes on 1 pilot. If you want to be an
effective CV5-CV6 you NEED to utilize at least 7 supports for pilots. That leaves you 1
slot on CV5 or 2 slots an a CV6/PCV for engies. IMHO every CV should have at LEAST 1
seamen (at least UK and IJN need seamen to even compete with busted USN and KM T4 planes)
so that leaves 1 gun slot for an actual gunner. I personally run (on my UK PCV) 5 FP 2 DB
(going to be TB when I get 1 more) 2 seamen, and 2 gunners. CV's really can't outrun a SS
if they get close when they launch their first salvo of torps. It takes 11-12 torps to
sink me with 255 bulge and 900 SD so 2 full salvos from an IJN or MN SS4 will take me out
if no duds/missed. I NEED to run HH's, especially if I am flag, or I will get flamed by
my team for getting sunk as the flag. CV's get enough blame for poor BB play as it is.
Please don't give BB's another reason to complain about the CV's. We already have enough
things to consume our time having to micromanage our FP's as scouts around enemy AA ships
to give vision. If you have a problem with a CV one shotting your DD at point blank
range, then nerf HH damage above water, not the ability of CV's to carry them. BTW If
you're wondering how I sink SS's I can't see, it's easy. as soon as I hear "Torpedo in
sight" I hit "G" and aim my HH's about 1/2 an inch behind the torps in the direction they
came from. This is usually (with 4 x5 HH's, the non premium ones) enough damage to force
the SS's to the surface, or at least make them crit dive, which gives me time to get away.
If I couldn't launch HH's I am just food for a good SS driver, even with 255 bulge and
900 SD.

"All the vision in the world can't fix fail!" --- CV credo

  • Re : ASW on CV

    04. 29. 2011 10:08

Well you must learn to play yours. CV strong point speed, turning force. your are fat but
got strong agility use it or delete.

CV program for noob under attack:
-stay behind friendly BB
-manage the ennemy aircraft aiming you
-If torp coming on you full throttle SS can't get you in one shoot and your are faster
(or your are bad) or go on him the time is turning you can adjust to stay on him.
AND if u get ASW wait the SS is surfacing (low air supply) close range and KA-BOOM.

Your are like BB player, you want range, armor, power, speed, u should ask for underwater
CV with laser cannon.

The dev try to get some use of all shipclass. BB go range and high accurate (too high
perhaps), Cv got range and can sink all but BB are strongly armored x aircraft ( too much
perhaps), SS must refill at least one time for reach CV line (5sec surface and you are
under fire).

But in front of your hypocrisy i got a fair solution no/highly reduced impact damage from
ASW and you can still splash.

  • Re : ASW on CV

    04. 29. 2011 09:50

Your right. CVs should just be fat easy targets that can't defend themsevles and should be
protected by non - existent escorts. Good idea I need more flames for being sunk...