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  • CV question

    04. 29. 2011 16:24

So I'm at level 47 or 48 BO, and I'm going to be going on to use a CV. I have one sailor
that's probably suitable to be a pilot, and another in the making. How many more
should i have before i get to the CV? I wanna be as best prepared as possible.

  • Re : CV question

    05. 23. 2011 07:25

if you want to play till cv6,then collect at least 8 fighters, as you know, km is good at
fighters, and bombers at least 4,for proper use.

i think the best way to go cv is to go together with a bb line. you can lv up the crew
and don't need any thing to worry about, cv offer enough points and credits,and bb
line for AA, get enough expers to convert into vets. you know, pilots are eager for

but to begin with, you need a lot of credits to maintain the class of them, total about

hope you enjoy it, good luck~

  • Re : CV question

    05. 04. 2011 18:05

Man read my post, that holds true for all CVs.

  • Re : CV question

    04. 30. 2011 15:03

Ok, you have several different options depending on how you want to play.

You can Fw(Fighter Whore) which is either 6 FP(Fighter Pilot) or 8. You can go with either.
Moderate Fw: 6 FP 2DB(Dive Bomber)
Balanced: 4FP 4DB
BW(Bomber Whore): 6-8 DBs

Alternatively you can run the FW setup with 6 FP and 1-2 Seaman.

For your FP you want them to have a growth base of at least +11 and the same for bombers.

Effective Cvs need a little money put into them. At the higher levels you need things to
be boosted, they need max experts, and at the bare minimal 100+ vets.

  • Re : CV question

    04. 30. 2011 13:20

the bigger your cv gets the more piots you can run on you'r cv, up to a maximum of 8
(even though you get 9 support slots later on, but you'r max amount of pilots is still 8)

the big advantage of having several pilots of the same class (fp/fighter db/dive
bomber tb/torpedo bomber) is that you won't have to load your squadrons trough the
hole loading time.

for example with 1 fighter pilot you'd need to wait 6 x 10 seconds to load
if you load 6 planes on 2 pilots you only have to wait for 3 x 10 seconds.
so you can get you'r planes into the air way faster.

next to that there is the fact that you will need to constantly have fp over the enemy
bb's in great battles. If your sq runs out of fuel and you have to lift off a new one after
he returns because you dont have another pilot, you'r team will be blind during the
return & the loading time. having 2 seperate groups allows you to rotate the over the
ffield to give constant sight.

for example i run 6 fighter pilots, i use them in 2 groups, loading 3 fighters per pilot (so
9 per wing). that way i can put the 9 planes up in 30 seconds instead of doing so in 90
seconds if you have 1 pilot.

i run 2 db pilots, loading 2x4 or 2x5 db's a time. same story with the shorter loading

leveling 8 pilots in one single ship isn't do-able, so i'd suggest either getting some pilots
from trade (check the bases on everything you want to buy!!)

or go trough the blitz grind twice, to level up the 2nd wing of pilots, best to level them
3 fp, 1 db, otherwise you'll end up with a setup thats no good for blitz(might wanna
levle 3 fp 2 db for even better att.purposes in blitz, you can allways sell off the sailors
you wont use after that)

hope it helps

  • Re : CV question

    04. 29. 2011 18:39

1 is really really, but really not enough.
2 is the same story.

You will need to get a minimum of 5 or more later, if you want to be
and not getting outperform by other CV.

In short, 6 pilots is the borderline limit after you passed seydlitz.