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  • Best DD

    05. 02. 2011 20:39

I have heard a lot of debate about this. and I was wondering, what does everyone else
thing the best DD is overall? Personally from what I've seen so far, I'd have to say
either Gearing or DDX.

  • Re : Best DD

    05. 06. 2011 12:39

Mogador with lvl 49 guns is not evil ?

  • Re : Best DD

    05. 06. 2011 04:26

sima can one torp a bb6

  • Re : Best DD

    05. 06. 2011 02:40

z99 with 5.9 duals and 2x5 torp launcher
i love it's proxies :) they're (almost) never missed
Glad you added the 'almost' clause otherwise I would say you haven't seen me play in a
ship with torps before :P

  • Re : Best DD

    05. 05. 2011 22:54

When i started to play

Z99 was the King of the All Welcomes =)

  • Re : Best DD

    05. 05. 2011 10:58

personally my two favorites are the Shimakaze ( misspelled as simakaze - Shima means
island and Kaze means wind ) for it's incredible long lances and good speed, and the
Tsukikei ( which as far as I can tell looks more like a Tenryu Light Cruiser ) which packs
some of the best guns on a destroyer, both can stand up to much larger ships easily, and
take on the other equivalent destroyer classes.

  • Re : Best DD

    05. 05. 2011 09:50

type 45 destroyer

  • Re : Best DD

    05. 05. 2011 09:21

DDX, somers, fubuki are the best imho

  • Re : Best DD

    05. 05. 2011 08:29

z99 with 5.9 duals and 2x5 torp launcher
i love it's proxies :) they're (almost) never missed

  • Re : Best DD

    05. 04. 2011 18:12

I said it once and I'll say it again. The only ship I feared back in Blitz in the
old Arizona server was a DDX named '7" Woodhammer' (handled by Woodwork).

Hence my vote going for the DDX without hesitation.

  • Re : Best DD

    05. 04. 2011 12:03

Z99 or DDX, that's about it.

TWs don't count.
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